-------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.sunda.org/SundaClippings/Image_Clippings/img369.jpg http://www.sunda.org/SundaClippings/Image_Clippings/img334.jpg http://www.sunda.org/SundaClippings/Image_Clippings/img028.jpg -------------------------------------------------------------- Sangkuriang, Symbol of Ancient Sundanese Philosophy By Nenny Wirakusumah Over I lie fertile, bea valley- ami mountains oi iMumyangan once upon .1 lime mere ruied a veiy wise king. King Barmawijava. ruler ot 'The Land ol Heavenly beings" was very tamous lor his |ust and wise reign over his country- He hail no reason to he unhappv except lor one tiling that was the only dark spot in his lile. The Praines-wari (queen consort) couldn't hear him a child- It was the dream ol every king at thai time to have a successor ol his own Mood to continue the dynasty-One day the king t'ell a sudden desire to go hunting. Accompanied by some ollicial and attendants, the ruler went into the forest. Alter some moments he found a deer running swiltlv- Now the horse ol the king was certainly the lastest ol all horses, so. when he went after the deer in hot pursuit, in no time he lett the other hunters far behind- Suddenly the ruler was chooked to find that the deer had disappeared. He found himself alone in the middle ot the dense jungle not knowing which way to turn. It was almost dr.rk when he finally Rot down from his horse. As he passed urine, it happened that the waste poured into an open coconut chell that lay on the ground- Alter the king lett the place, a white sow or lemale pig named Njai Tjeleng Pulih passed there. She felt thirsty. found the mine and drank it to the last drop. Surprisingly however, the pig became pregnant, and several months later she gave birth to a beautiful human baby-girl- A year later, as king Bar-mawidjava went hum ing again, in the same place in ????- .---".-. ,..- .-,.. .-..-,_, watched over by the swine. l;pon his order, one of his attendants drove the swine away, lifted the babv oil the ground and presented her to his maiestv- On lemming to the palace the king handed the pretty baby to his queen, warning her not to reveal the secret origin of the child to anyone else The attendants who had accompanied him hunting in the forrsi were ordered to keep their mouths shut tight-Iv. under threat of a severe punishment The queen was very happy and raised the child with all care. They named the baby Davang Sumhi and cheated her as a royal princess- As she grew into a voune lady, her beautiful appearance he-came famous far and wide. Many princess from other lands come to the Court of Parahivangan for her hand in marriage- But. Davang Sumbi alwa\s refused aiiv proposal to her hand. apo!ogi/ing that she still young to inn"-' Then one day the beautiful princess same into the presence ol her foster parents Thev were shocked as Davang Sumhi told them that she wanted to be a heimit- She would retreat herself u> the forest to conduct solemn mediation- On hearing this the queen stated at her daughter as though her heart had stopped heating How could it be ? \Vas there anything the princess had not \e( possessed ? She and the kmg had always granted their foster daughter whatever she wished lor. Now. all ol a sudden, she wanted to le.ue the comforts of lile- VVhai was the reason. Someone at the court had whispered to her the secret of her birth. HOW shameful. Horn Irom a lemale pig- linking and queen had tried whatever lht-v could to persuade her lo st.n At lasi. much ai'.amsi their wishes. the\ could do nothing but let (he princess Jo \\hat she wanted- I he queen fainted as she s.u\ I he pitiiess left the pal,in- accompanied hv some attendants and one of the ministers ot state Ihe Jl|jj__wem_to a i-i'll.llri nl.i-.i-. is am body who could got it for me. if she- is a woman I will rrake her my sister, and it he is a man, then I am willing to marry him". Now beneath the cabin on the ground there was Tumang lying half asleep. Being as obedient friend he know what he h.id to do. He picked the shuttle up in his mouth anil climbed up the ladder of the hut, bunging the weaving instrument back to his mastress. Havana Smv-hi was only too gl id lo have it back. Bin then she remembered the pledge she had just made, although it had not been meant serious-Iv. Being a hermit, she now realised that she had to he careful with her words. 1 he-sight ot 'I umang standing be-tore her began lo frighten her and tilled with hatred towards the dog. she harshly went him away. The dog. however, kept.staring at her. unwilling fo turn away as though he-wanted to insist that the hermit had to fulfill her pledge. It seemed to lie the will of heaven that Dayang Sumbi then felt asleep. Her body weakened and at lest she became unconscious...... Alter that incident. Davang Sumhi became pregnant. Several months later she born a healthy baby-bov, whom she named Sangkuriang. From early childhood the boy practised hunting and Tumang always accompanied and guarded him wherever he went. One day. when Sangkiiriang had reached ten years of age. Dayang Sumbi told her son that she wanted the liver of the deer tor her meal. "I have not eaten it for a very long time" she said "So,, go hunting with your friend Tumang". the cabin and went deeper into the loresl. lor hours he-wandered, searching for a deer to shoot with his arrow. l.'n-lortunatelv. he could not lind even a footprint of the desired animal. He was almost ready to give in when he saw a white sow passing, "thinking that the liver ol a pig might not ditlerenl very much Irom that of a deer, he decided to shoot the white sow. But the biasl disappeared into the wilderness and when he was about to send Tuirang to follow the sow He loiind out that the dog kept hiding himself alter him. And hot of anger. Sangkiiriang sluitited out: "Damn. you la/v dog. What is the matter with you . But the tailhlul dog. usually always obedient and willing to meet his master's wishes behaved ibis time on the con-tiary very strange. Instead kepi standing slea-dilv on his place. How Sang-ktirLing's anger turned atlam-ed. Out ol Us sciabbed he diew his sword and drew it sliiked to the anxious, in full doubling standing beast. Without ' any noi>e the laith-tull dog did tall on the ground. Dead and irolionU'ss he laid there. The tongue still hanging ol pain out ol his mouth. The eves slaring dully at him in stilness as it il would say "why you have done it to me". Meanwhi'e, twilight had already fallen. Soon it would Incompletely daik and still Sang kuriang had not yet met any living deer, the more ;i deer's liver. Then it (lashed through his biain. "Is not the liver of a deer as same as a dog's liver"? And without keeping more questionings to himselves he immediately began slicing and stripping llie dead body. I'nii) the liver was taken out. His mission was completed finally. It happened how jovlul Da-v.liV-: Sumbi was alter her son's homecoming. taking with the toodslult she had so longed tor. Alter readily cooked, (?he invited her son Iriendly to have eveiiinn-iueal and lo taste the liver lo.ucthei. However. Sanuktiiiang it-liised to take the single piece ol il. spirits who were learning him enchanting additions, but onlv to practice devilish deeds and making harm to human beings. These actions lie usual* carried out at night when all htin-an beings were resting dteplv in their beds. But as soon as sunrise came through 'hen he kepi himsell hiding between abundant leave and bunches of huge old-aged trees. In turn, it were these dav light hours that were lor-ming his resting hours, ashamed as he was to meet any ordinary human being. I rom all memories of the paat. completely loosened in vain, he only could remember one sentence: Born Irom a dog". How shameful. how lowful, he is a dog's son. it could not be. lime had gone and years passed, and finally Sangkiiriang, raised up in loneliness in midst of the wilderness had already reached his adulthood: a bold and handsome-looking. But in the lonely log-cabin, Davang Sumbi. spinning and weaving as always, meanwhile kept constantly praying for her beloved son's safety. Sure, il was great sin lo murder his own father. But had the boy even any knowledge when he had done it ? She instead had fault to let him going on his way, ignorant from real existence of lile. It happen that on some bright morning. Sangkiiriang came to the place where he was born. And Irom far away he saw a beautiful-charming lady absorbed in her weaving. Beside she was such delicate, her movings and manners such elegant that he motionless kept staring at her. not knowing what to sav. Though all in the whole was something dear to him, but he had not of happenings in the past. All in the whole happened to be such exciting now to him. While Dayang Sumbi by powers of constantly meditating had kept her charm and beauty, as if she was still the same young lady like long before, when she was about to enter the life, of hermit. Davang Sumbi, as if electri-ficied by some strange forc-leelings. finally looked up-from her work, siraightly into the gaze of her son. But also she could not even remember him anymore. grown and completely changed as he was in outlook and appearance. Then, kindly she invited him to come into her place and having some rest some-while. As conversations and talks became more and more friendly. Such, at last he dared to make proposal for a marriage. lint il was on some moment, when he had his look ga/ed to a certain direction and a mild brey/e kept playing with his hair, that she saw a big soar on right-part of his forehead. How shocked she was of lovness to have her darling safely back home again. But at the same time she also was tilled with feelings of horror: "Marrying her own son" ? Then she suddenly embrased him. caressing him with well-known sweet words from days of (he past long betore. She again and again made him understand that he was her beloved son. whom she had beaten until he had tied away Irom her. long. long ago. Then, she mentioned any existence of T umang. a faith-ful dog. which was his lather. But Sangkuriang pretended not lo understand though in (lie real he siill remembered any sentence cloeving in his memories : Born from a dog." Mother, or no mother, he should marry her. There-was no outwav. But Dayang _ Sumbi. riot loosing her mind had found an outwav. She was willing 10 mairy him il only he could make a great lake and a big prow lor sailing on honeymoon at the lake. But all this had to be finished, onlv m But as soon as Sangkiiriang becan-e acquinted that in the real all this was nothing then viness. With the help of his old friends, all evilness of the wilderness, the gigantic work had been begun. Frightened and full ot hoi ror. Dayang Sumbi almost observed how at far-midnight the gigantic work was in nearly finishing state. Sunri se was still far at sight and succeeded in meeting this very wish lor her ? But again she found an out way. at last. Now. somewhere in her cabin she had sheap of sampled boerangrang (wea ying gap products). And immediately she stavved these products into east direction. This cave the look as if sun rise would break through. Immediately all cocks began to crown on sight of this glitterings in complete darkness. This was really a terrible shock to the absorbed working Sangkuriang that he gave the prow much a terrible kick with his feeih, that finally at felt down somewhere in the distance in turning-over state. This overturned prow happened to be the today Gunting Tangkuban Perahu. While the great lake, later on dried away became the valley of Bandung. motner's strick. he ran after him in flaming anger. But when on a certain moment he nearly had grisned her... there...away she disappeared into the unknown. Her praying wore beared: she was exalted in all glory to heaven together with her physcal body. While- Sangkuriang. sooking and grooming kept heading southwards, up to the south, where finally he was received by the beckening arms of Nv'ai loro Kidul. ruler of the Indian Ocean. INTERPRETATION : Thought .both origined from the Owncral Clasce. white pig seems a bad worran. similar to hostess-rank -of nowadays. While dog meant rank of guard or attendant etc. Still the final destiny is up to the individual's own choice of life. Dayang Sumbi. who preferred penscuces of oneself was exalted to heaven. While Sangkuriang. though her son, finally was thrown to the world of sin and lust which also was forming his own choice of life. Here we see that not only aristocracy have the right to accend to heaven like mostly all stones from wayang are invoking, but also people from the lowest rank. =========================================================== Sangkuriang-legend and the Symbol of Ancient Sundanese philosophy cq Democracy by Nenny Wirakusumah Symbol of ancient Sundanese philosophy cq DEMOG-RA If you ate coming to Ku-ningan arid Majalengka; terto tiry, then you will see there a hill with the shape of an overturned prow like Gunung Tangkubanprahu in Bandung. It could be merked some spe cialness that also these hills are being connected with the same Sangkuriang-legend like it is with Tangkubanprahu of Bandung. Having observed all these existences, then you begin questioning yourselves: "What does this Sangkuriang-legend means ?" Sangkuriang-legend is forming a philosophic way of thinkings, so to say: The ancient is forming a philoso phy namely DEMOCRACY, invoking the meaning of TO LERANCE IN POLITICS Herewith the writer would like to present our dear read ers mentioned Sangkuriang-legend which could be inter pieted from all kinds of points and views. Briefly taken, S-ngkuriang-legend is an et-ternal philosophy invoking the essence of Eternal life i-t> selves. Unlike Borobudur plan - ted by ancestors being a mo nutrient through the ages. Such the Sundanese had plan ted their philosophy, spar-king-clear and simple, as sim pie as life itselves, being a monument and sign to all hu man beings all over the world. INTERPRETATION: Unlike all stories, Western whether Oriental, also this legend is verifying the meaning of The eternal battle bet ween good and evil. Except for this indication: Since this legend could be takea literally as well, as symbolical ly, and also could be viewed from several points of view. Such this simple legend co uld be indicated a monumen tal Mark in the history and long march of Phylosophycal Truth and Wisdom. For, the essence of life, existing in '. "ewrhity, monurnented in'Sang 'kuriang is in1 .fact very clear and simple strechted like the Sangkuriang-legend itselves. All is up to the individuals" own choise of life cq Sangku riang ot Dayang Sumbi-philo sophy with consequences and results io match. In face, this essence is also strechted clearly and simple in all passages and phrases from the Qur'an. From begin ning I'll end whatever point or questionaire the Qur'an is handling, it' always is invoking the essence: The eternal battle between good and evil ei Said with Sangkuriang-terms : It is up to the indivi duals' own choice of life: Sangkuriang whether Dayang Sumni philosophy. it are above ail these main themas that Sundanese are more easier to absorbe them s"ives to the Islam then Javanese. J Because Javanese philosophic wa yof thingkins, rooted in complicated stories of the wayang-play are rooted with stories always strechted round about royalhood and aris toe racy. But in Sangkuriang-legend are being handled all levels of human 'beings : AristOcra cy, the folk or whether sym bolically taken cq. human-qualities and characters to match. According to meanings veri fied in Sangkuriang-legend we herewith would like to present our dear readers its Main Themas : Dog and pig are symbolically-taken like the following: 1) People of low-rank cq the folk fathful dog = sevant, alien, . danl, guard or any of thai kind. pig = woman of hostess rank/prosiitue level 2) Human beings with dog/ swine character 'qualities^; 3} Go 'hunting' is literatly-ta * ken. But symbolically it ; means Hunting for women which is also an eternal phenomena among men behaviours. 4)Sangkuriangs' trials in the construction of a gigantic la ke and its matching equipment^ is indential to the long march of humans' trials for development' and cultivation of life existences. Bui finally will reform into nothingness again. Or so to say: trials to Pembahgunan 5") All is up to the individuals' own choice of life. Dayang Sumbi philosophy: Prefering ascending to Heaven, even she is offspringed from ordinary/ bad-charade red people Sangkuriang-philosophy : Is fi nalhy united into the world of evil spirits, this is also forming his own choice of life, cq the glittering and gla mour of material world exis tences. Compare with' slories invoking in wayang-plays : Always handling royalhood and aristocracy 6) All glamour-glittering of world existences finally will reform into nothingness again-. Unlike so many txis ting kingdoms in history through the ages. 7) DUST THOU ART AND . UNTO DUST THOU SHOULD RETURN. Now we have any understanding on which root Sunda ntse philosophis way of rrrng kings are based It is also up to you whether you are being invited to digg more dee per in all about Sundanese. ' May be, you also could dis cover or find some precious stones or valuable jewelries hidden behind gigantic slones (r solid rocks of siones-harde ned human civilization of no ivadays. =========================================================== Love stories hidden in beautiful West Java by Nenny Wirakusumah SUBANG, West Java (JP): There are a beautiful love stories behind some of West Java's most beautiful scenery. For the Sundanese people of West Java, Gunung Cinta (literally means Mountain Love), Curug Jodo (Lovers Fall) and Curug Panganten (Newlyweds Fall) can never be separated from two tragic love stories. Some believe that somehow these places have some magical power over their own love lives. Gunung Cinta and Curug Jodo in Subang regency, about 35 kilometers north of Bandung capital city, are said to have that power. "If a couple of lovers visit Gunung Cinta, they won't make it to their wedding day. They will break up," Oding, an elderly native of Subang working in Ciater recreation resort, told The Jakarta Post. However, some people said, if you have trouble finding a husband or wife, take a bath under Curug Jodo. Sooner or later you will find your love. Some people may laugh at that, but it is said that some foreigners, including from European countries, have visited the fall and had their wishes come true. Located inside the recreation resort of Ciater, the fall still attracts foreign tourists because of its beauty. Legend Oding said the belief about Gunung Cinta and Curug Jodo originated from the legend of Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang. Once upon a time, lovely half-fairy-half-human Dayang Sumbi asked her young son, Sangkuriang, to hunt for their meal. He took his dog Tumang, which was actually his fater. However, the hunt was unsuccessful and, afraid to upset his mother, Sangkuriang killed Tumang and brought his mother his meat. Dayang Sumbi found out where the meat came from and in her rage, she hit her son's forehead, causing a deep wound, and chased him away. After years of wandering alone, Sangkuriang suddenly met a beautiful young woman near a waterfall, the Curug Jodo, and fell in love. Sitting with Sangkuriang's head on her lap amidst the beautiful scenery of the palace which is now Gunung Cinta, the woman listened to Sangkuriang declaring his love. She reached out to brush away the young man's hair and found a deep scar. It was then that she, Dayang Sumbi, who had never aged and kept a youthful appearance, realized that she had fallen in love with her own son. Dayang Sumbi then tried to trick him into leaving her by giving him impossible tasks. She asked him to build a large boat overnight. The hero set to work instantly and before dawn a boat started to take shape. In her panic, Dayang Sumbi shook off her shawl and suddenly a white streak appeared on the horizon, causing roosters to start crowing. This place, Kapuk Nahun village, is now covered with white mist most of the year. Angrily Sangkuriang kicked the boat upside down. This place is now the recreation resort of Tangkubang Parahu (literally means the upside-down boat) and chased Dayang Sumbi. The lake where they were supposed to sail away is believed to be Ciater, now a recreation resort. It is also supposed that the lake could be seen from a place called Tenjo Layar, or the place for watching the sails. Dayang Sumbi ran to a place which is now called Gunung Puteri or the Princess Mountain and dropped her ring. The earth opened up and swallowed them both. Spring The road leading to Subang regency from Bandung or Jakarta itself is a feast for the eyes. Smooth roads sandwiched between a rubber forest take you to Gunung Cinta and Curug Jodo, while small green hills give you a rest from the hustle and bustle of the city. Apart from Curug Jodo, Ciater recreation resort is famous for the hot water spring which comes from Mount Tangkuban Parahu. The sulphuric water is comfortably hot, about 42 degrees Celcius. People believe the water cures many skin diseases, even severe ones. Visitors suffering from paralysis, even, are said to have been cured by taking hot baths. Last year alone, almost 42,000 tourists from all over the world visited the resort. There were also about 815,000 domestic tourists, who came for picnics or to seek cures for many diseases. Certainly, instead of looking for cures, some of them came for a rendezvous in Curug Jodo. Abdul Fatah, a staffer at the resort, said that the waterfall was so beautiful and strategic that many youths used to meet their lovers there. "And the management built this resort in such a way to attract young lovers," he said. "If they then meet someone and fall in love, well, we don't need the magic spell of the falls for that." The resort how offers not only hot water swimming pools, but also a picnic park, restaurants, bungalows, jogging track, rowing boat, camping ground and weekly cultural performances: There are even personal hot water bathrooms for those who are uncomfortable swimming with other people. There is also a beautiful small mosque situated right at the back of Curug Jodo. Newlyweds The incessant rain forced the recreation park's staffers to constantly wear raincoats but parents took their toddlers up and down the hill for some sightseeing braving the rain. If you are a newlywed couple and hope to have a long and happy marriage, visit Curug Panganten, about 12 kilometers north of Bandung. Just a few years ago many people still left sesajen or food offerings for the "guardian spirits" of the place, said Koko, a young father who lives in Cimahi district. "There are people who still ? believe that newlywed couples who come here will have their wishes granted by making the offering," Koko said. However, the story behind the falls was a tragic one. Years ago, a girl married a young man from another village. After the wedding ceremony, the groom took his bride walking on a bamboo bridge over the waterfall, but a sudden flash flood swept them away. People then started to call it Curug Panganten and believed that the spirits of the couple guarded the place and blessed it. The place itself is beautiful. Several years ago many picnickers still, visited it. Local authorities had provided long, winding staircases to the bottom of the small valley to help people reach the creek under the falls. Unfortunately, the small, road from Lembang town leading to Curug Panganten is in a very bad condition. Taking a car there is _ a stomach-churning experience. : ' Even more unfortunate was the fact that the resort had been converted into a real estate compound. Pretty houses sprung up just meters away from the falls. And security guards watched over the only small road leading to the place, barring visitors from entering. Well, you could enter if you gave him some money. On the way home, Koko sang a famous Sundanese song and translated the meaning, revealing the rich feeling of the people, especially about love.