Identifikasi bangunan..., Anugrah P.F. Alim, FIB UI, 2008 =============================================================== CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION =============================================================== Identification of the building ..., Anugrah P.F. Alim, FIB UI, 2008 1. 1. Background Megalithic understanding has been frequently mentioned by experts as a tradition which produces large boulders, referring to the etymology of mega means large, and Lithos means stone (Soejono, 1993: 205). Based on this it can be raised the megalithic culture in general concerning heritage- relics of boulders. Megalithic culture by some experts tend to associated with the worship of ancestors (ancestor worship). Concept megalithic connote a large stone is often incompatible with the data found in various regions. Wagner promoted the concept of megalithic actually not only refers to the large rock, because of the small stones, and even without even if something can be said monuments megalithic characterized. This is when the intended on the intent and purpose of worship of the ancestors (Wagner, 1962; 72 in Prasetyo, 2004: 94). During this study also proves the existence of relationships closely, even uninterrupted until now among the ceremonies of ancestor worship, either by using small-sized stones, and by using stone large, sustained without monument or even at all. Although no monument altogether, megalithic idea has taken root in supporting community life, particularly in Indonesia, so without the use of buildings megalitikpun a ceremony can be considered as a ceremonial megalithic (Soejono, 1981: 195). Material- cultural material contained in the megalithic tradition was also experiencing development, so the more variety, which probably caused also by local environmental influences (Sukendar, 1982: 83). Megalithic heritage plays an important role in the study of archeology in Indonesia. The tradition includes a long enough period of time, because the existence This tradition took place from the Neolithic period around 4,500 years ago until the present (Geldern, 1945 in Prasetyo, 2004: 96-98). Based on a very long period of continuity, the tradition of megalithic has undergone a complex development, and shape variations occur, and kind of legacy. It was not only in Indonesia but also in southeast Asia even in Asia Pacific (Byung-mo Kim, 1982 in Prasetyo, 2004: 104-105). The term "megalithic" is not the time or the megalithic megalithic culture, but is a tradition that evolved from the Neolithic period until the bronze iron, continued even until now (Soejono 1981: 307). Regions in Indonesia which still shows the existence of this megalithic tradition (Living Megalithic tradition) among others, contained in Nias, Toraja, Sumba and Flores. In addition to some area, in West Java are also found relics of megalithic tradition, as found in the area of Pandeglang, Sukabumi, Cianjur, Bogor, Ciamis, and Brass. The relics consist of the tomb chest batu1, statues megalitik2, mortar batu3, menhir4, building a staircase or punden berundak5, dolmen6 stones, and others. Heritage exciting and scattered are building terraces on Mount Padang, Cianjur. Various areas in West Java, there are findings of a staircase-building steps which has the characteristics of the relics of megalithic tradition. One of them is the site Kampung Sindangbarang, Eurih Sand Village, Taman Sari Sub-district, Bogor southwest. Distances The village is about 6 km from Bogor Palace. In Kampung Sindangbarang are found many large rocks. Location of the stones found in the area quite extensive, and showed the density increased towards the higher slopes. Topografisnya state slope of the sloping land, so the state settlements population follows the slope of the land. 1 Stone coffin burial container is made of stone. The form, among others, the stone coffin tomb, dolmen, sarcophagi, kalamba, waruga, and pandusa (Prasetyo, 2004:112) 2 Megalithic statues are sculptured in the form of human or animal associated with trust megalithic (Sukendar 1996: 2-3) 3 Stone is a stone mortar for pounding grain hollow-bijiian or anything that needs to be crushed. (Sukendar 1996: 2-3) 4 Commonly called upright menhir stones, natural stone has been formed for the purpose of human hands worship or for burial markers (Sukendar 1996: 2-3) 5 The building is a kind of relic terraces punden megalithic tradition which are included in the structure. Another type of structure commonly found together with this building is a stone road, stone walls, children stairs are all commonly found in a single unit (Soejono 1993: 73-98) 6 Commonly called a stone table, consisting of a stone that is sustained by the stones small as a foot (Sukendar 1996: 2-3) . According to the residents, building stones are also found in other districts around Mount Salak, such as in the Cijeruk, Tenjolaya, Pamijahan, and Cigombong. Many of the findings in the area Sindangbarang form of buildings staircase-steps or terraces. The findings in the form of objects, and buildings within the site Sindangbarang has similarities with the characteristics of megalithic heritage. One is staircase building, called by local people as Sand Karamat. Building Sand Karamat was inside there are objects that are similar to relics-the remains of the megalithic tradition. 1 .2. Issues Discussing the problem, of course used a variety of data. Target main archeological sites are still in Sindangbarang. Data about the neighborhood, and the data that has similarities with object under study is also used as supporting data, so it can be done interpretation in accordance with the intention of the study. Disclosure issues in this study uses a number of data form of written sources claim the experts in the field of archeology, ancient history, and expert Philology. This is because of the possibility of verbal speech-related with Sindangbarang site, therefore the study of the site seems Sindangbarang should also support data from written sources. Archaeological studies that use written data sources, often facing all three states as follows: 1. Archaeological data have antiquity either on site or at other places (museums, rescue centers, privately owned). Archaeological data can be explained aspects of its aspects through written sources philologist's work. This makes data archeology has conformity with written information from these sources. The first is very easy for archaeological studies, but it rarely happens. 2. Archaeological data have artefaktual, and well aware arkeolognya picture physical data, but for the time being there are no sources of support written that can be used to further assess the archaeological objects. 3. Archaeology actually challenged to prove some data about kemasalaluan mentioned in written sources claim the results of the philologist, because the archaeological data can not be found, but information from the source adequate written (Munandar, 2004: 23-25). As previously stated, the data will artefaktual philology and data used in the data processing phase, in order to find the fit between the existing data, and for the ultimate goal of the study, the explanation of building terraces Sand Karamat who are in Sindangbarang Site. Considering there has never been a study of this area, then the problem discussed is the issue of identification. Seeing the building staircase circumstances Sand Karamat, patterns, and shapes of objects in the area of the building, showing characteristics similar to the megalithic tradition tingalan culture. The statement can produce a single research problem, namely: Efforts to identify the buildings and terraces Sand Karamat objects contained in it is similar to the terraces punden tingalan megalithic tradition, of course it The explanation must be given in accordance with existing data. The reason the selection of this topic, because building new terraces were known existence. In terms of building structure, and the findings therein, shows similarity with the relics of megalithic tradition. 1. 3. Research Objectives In general, this research aims to examine new archaeological data that can be provide preliminary information for further studies. The study also exploratory nature, a preliminary study which is expected to provide clues complete identification of the building staircase Sand Karamat, as well as objects contained therein. Given the findings in the form of embodiment of human culture (material culture) in any form should be preserved for the sake of science education, and Indonesian national identity, then the findings in the entire archaeological Sindangbarang, including Karamat Sand buildings need to be conducted further research, and depth. This study also aims to recommend the building of Sand Karamat, and the whole archaeological Sindangbarang become one of the Heritage Objects (BCB) Indonesia. That is because there has been no archaeological Sindangbarang None are listed in BCB Indonesia. 1. 4. The scope of research As already noted, that this study is the first study Sand Karamat staircase to the building which has the purpose of trace data early. Confine ourselves to the research effort through the identification of building terraces data collection, both artifacts and environmental data around the region. Data comparison using punden-punden terraces in Indonesia especially in Java West, as well as archaeological scattered Sindangbarang as reference material as well as comparative data to reveal the existing problems. 1. 5. Sources of data 1. Primary data: Building staircase Sand Karamat alleged punden staircase, and the findings contained therein, as well as building terraces Sindangbarang scattered villages. 2. Secondary data: Material library on the relics of megalithic tradition especially punden terraces. Library materials can be books has a main topic of punden staircase, while the thesis, and thesis that discuss punden staircase, as a reference, and data comparison. Written sources in the works of ancient Sundanese Literature as Philology work also used in this assessment. Written sources can of ancient texts, oral narrative (rhymes), folklore (folk belief local, stories, legends, and myths) with regard to site Sindangbarang. 1. 6. Research Methods To answer the problem there, done several work steps. The methods used consist of observation, description, and explanation (Deetz, 1967: 8) 1. 6. Phase 1 Observations Observation is the stage of data collection, or the early stages of a research. This stage is aimed to collect as much data as possible data related to the research conducted. First attempt at this stage to collect literature data on relics of megalithic tradition especially punden terraces. The literature data expected to provide information about the features, functionality, layout, and punden staircase and forth on the findings contained therein in Indonesia, especially West Java. The second effort is the collection of field data is the survey location, measurement, mapping of the building with staircase staircase alleged punden, recording the object- Other objects in the building including the surrounding environment. At this stage Data collection building terraces and other findings in the study area recorded through photographs or shooting, the images (pictorial), as well as the writings of (verbal) that done in detail. 1. 6. Phase 2 Description In this stage there are two review processes, namely the study of building terraces Sand Karamat as a feature, and the comparative study of building sand Karamat punden-punden with terraces in the area of West Java in particular. 1. 6. 2. I. A review of building terraces Sand Karamat as a feature This analysis is a step in the direct observation of its main object namely the observation of the building staircase which is assumed to Sand Karamat as punden terraces. These observations are aimed at observing buildings and objects in therein. A review of building sand Karamat done in chapter 2, review pendeskrisian in detail in the form of all elements of the building. 1. 6. 2. II. Comparison of Sand Karamat building with terraces punden other. In this phase carried out an analysis of the data has been collected, according with the main objective, namely the identification effort. This stage saw the characteristics of buildings, and relics of megalithic tradition similar to the shape Sand terraces building Karamat, covering the object contained therein. Then performed a comparison with the shape of the building terraces. Comparison used in this study is a form of building Sand terraces Karamat compared the findings with similar archaeological object which has been investigated. Given there has been many reports that contain complete data, punden-punden and descriptions of the staircase has been investigated. So most of the analogies in this study will be conducted based on these reports, Given the existence of ancient manuscripts, and rhymes about ancient kingdom of Sunda deemed to have relationship with Sindangbarang site, then the data support orally in the form of written sources concerning the existence of the site Sindangbarang, used also in this phase. Sand building Keletakan Karamat is located in West Java, making This study first compared the building, with punden staircase, as well as sources of data coming from West Java. Comparison Sand Karamat punden building with terraces, as well as connection with a source writing done in chapter 4. The results of the analysis of all existing data sources, it is expected get an explanation about the existence of building terraces Sand Karamat I.7 explanatory At the final stage of the conclusions drawn from the results of data processing. This stage ending the study, in which the final conclusion that can be answered problems could have been formulated. In line with the research objectives, expected results identification of buildings on Sand Karamat terraces can dikemukan at the end writing this study. Thus, it can be said that this research is still are in a level of description, where the final result delivered is the form explanatory descriptions of the stage. Identification of the building ..., Anugrah P.F. Alim, FIB UI, 2008 =============================================================== CHAPTER 2 =============================================================== PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION AND BUILDING SAND Karamat NEIGHBOURHOOD SITE SINDANGBARANG Identification of the building..., Anugrah P.F. Alim, FIB UI, 2008 In this chapter described the building terraces Sand Karamat as one how to identify the building as a heritage building tradition megalithic, namely punden terraces. At this stage of data processing, process pendeskripsian building terraces are carried out in detail, with attention to: 1. Data about the site, such as the location of the administrative state of the building terraces, surrounding natural environment (flora), and state residents and supporting data such as the traditions that developed in Sindangbarang. 2. Building terraces Karamat Sand covers the objects contained in building. Pendeskripsian This will expose each porch / steps and objects therein. 2. 1. Description of site Location and surroundings sites Sindangbarang area is a village belonging to the territory administrative Eurih Sand Village, Taman Sari Sub-district, Bogor. To achieve Site Sindangbarang from the train station, can use public transport towards the Bogor Market, the Market using public transport route Bogor Bogor- Sindangbarang. Objec topographic slope region of sloping land. On side of the river flowing east Sindangbarang Ciomas, whereas on the south side towering Mount Salak in the fifth peak (2211 m). In the villages also flowing creek called Cipamali moving towards the river Ciomas. River is considered sacred by the inhabitants Sindangbarang (Munandar, 2007: 1) Flora found in this area are crops for the majority of importance of food, and crops such as paddy, banana tree, jackfruit tree, trees rambutan, and coconut trees. While the majority of the fauna living in the region are chickens, goats, ducks, snakes, buffalo, and so on. 2. 2. Population state Residents around Sindangbarang livelihood is farming, motorcycle taxi drivers, and making shoes. Islam is a religion in society Sindangbarang Generally, it is quite visible with its being a mosque in the region. In addition to their Muslim communities still have a tradition Sindangbarang before Islam, the ceremony Serentaun. The ceremony is a form of expression of respect for the ancestor (ancestral spirits) as an ancestor community, and the expression of thanks to the creator (Munandar, 2007: 44). One of the activities in this tradition the ceremony is to collect seven springs of 9 springs are considered sacred. It shows that there is a tradition that continues on the water which is seen as being sacred. The water is then used in ceremonies to express gratitude to the ancestor of blessings that have been awarded to residents Sindangbarang, only in The ceremony of the Hindu-Buddhist conception has been abandoned, and all kinds of prayers carried out by Islamic religious ordinances, and the only tradition that still maintained (Munandar, 2007: 27). 2. 3. General description Sindangbarang Site Sindangbarang site discovery, beginning with the attention of a prominent Sindangbarang community named Ahmad Mikami Sumawijaya, in order display back on Sindangbarang Serentaun ceremony. He along with co- his colleagues held a tracking and review of the locations where discovery of the composition of large stones that originally considered normal by the inhabitants local, and villages scattered across multiple locations. The quantity of the findings of arrangement of large stones was increased after Hendra Wijaya, Inouchi (caretaker Bodas Hanjuang Foundation), and Sumawijaya to review together. The review noted the existence of large stone buildings through keletakan sketch maps. The results of the review turned out to show the location of the stone- The stone is in a fairly wide area, and indicate the quantity is more many regions towards the higher slopes. Research continues as Hendra Inouchi reported, and showed photographs of the existence of staircase-building steps, and the findings are similar to the relics of megalithic tradition in the region Sindangbarang to society "Simpay" (Paguyuan Guar Sunda). Based on reports tersebutlah, teachers from the Faculty of Science Culture University of Indonesia (FIB UI), who are interested in the study of Sundanese culture Sindangbarang visited in April 2006. Teachers escorted A. FIB UI M Sumawijaya reviewing a small portion of the location of the stones that are considered public Local is a relic ancestor (ancestral). Findings witnessed in the region are buildings and a stone staircase-steps- monoliths are located in several locations that are relatively close together. It is quite surprising, as reports of the existence of buildings on the terraces Sindangbarang no inventory in the archaeological record in western Java (Munandar, 2007: 1-2). A review into Sindangbarang by FIB UI faculty in 2006 produce a concise description of some of the archeological, and add notes existence of archaeological data in the village. Pendeskripsian in succinctly made to the building: (1) Springs Jalatunda, (2) Garden Pond Sri Bagenda, (3) Building terraces Zoroastrianism, (4) Building terraces Surawisesa, (5) Building terraces Leuweung Karamat and Saunggalah (6) The Megalithic Hunyur Kadoya. (7) Building berundak Rucita. (8) Building Sand Eurih staircase, (9) Building berundak Cibangke. (10) Building Sand berundak Ater. (11) Building Sand berundak Karamat. (12) Stone Petilasan Kancana Surya. (13) Building stone monolith distorted staircase, as well as the remains, the remains of other located near the site of Stone distorted. Based on some brief pendeskripsian has been done by the FIB UI faculty. Building terraces on Sindangbarang has two categories for whereas, if viewed from the terrace structure, namely: 1. Building with staircase terrace-porch looks like a hill or leaning construction such as cutting the hill on the higher land. Among others Zoroastrian building terraces, Surawisesa, Eurih Sand, Sand Ater, Munjul, and Sand Karamat. 2. Building with staircase terrace-porch is not leaning on land that is more high, shaped like zigurat (pyramidal), among others, are building terraces Rucita, Leuweung Karamat, and Saunggalah. Another thing to note in building terraces in Sindangbarang is building terraces that are always located near water sources. Almost all these buildings nearby there is always water, whether in the form of springs, ditches, rivers small, or even a rather large river. Perhaps such a conception is the same as conception of the sacred building in constant need of water for ceremonial purposes. Data shows a strong relationship between building terraces in Sindangbarang with water sources nearby (Munandar, 2007: 23). 2. 4. Building terraces Sand karamat Building terraces Sand Karamat is one part of the site archaeological contained in Kampung Sindangbarang. Building terraces is located in mountainous terrain, which is asrronomis located at position 06 ? 45'- 06 ? 25 'latitude and 105 ? 38' - 105 ? 10 'East Longitude, and has a height of 391 m from the surface sea. The existence of a building site Karamat Sand terraces can be seen on the map Bakosurtanal topography, the region 1209-141 Ciawi sheet edition: 1000-2000. Sand site Karamat was bordered by rice fields are flat on the east and south, while the western side is quite steep rice fields. Building terraces Sand Karamat is an open building structure level that are not protected by a roof and do not have the space, the higher the level the more backward the location, and has a rectangular floor plan tiered terraced. Building Sand Karamat made by following the form of state or location follow the state of the soil surface (contour). Limit each terrace in the form stone walls made with andesite stone, and soil. Building terraces It consists of 9 terrace or 9 steps that have respective heights different, on the steep southern side, a stream flowing from the fountain. Building Sand Karamat oriented toward the west-east view from the terrace when the bottom- top terrace. Building the alleged punden terraces also contain findings are similar to the remains, the remains of the megalithic tradition. Finding The structure is similar to the dolmen stone (see photo 18), and the stone structure in the middle of the terrace (see foto19), and the monoliths at the top of the terrace that allegedly as the menhirs (see photo 20). The water sources found below the terrace of one (see photo 17). Figure 1. Staircase building plans and slices of Sand Karamat: a) monolith diamond-shaped, b) tomb, c) the composition of rock in the middle of the terrace, d) monolith suspected as a dolmen, e) monolith suspected as menhirs, f) water source, I-IX) terrace. (Drawn by Irdiansyah, 2008). According to residents about building sand Karamat was never tilled as the farmland, in contrast with the surrounding lands are used as agriculture, and also said the building had happened like that since yore. The existence of graves at Terrace II, the population was limited to knowing about that the person buried there was the one leading from their villages, they know it from their elders-elders, and forbidden to destroy about the tomb. 2. 5. Descriptions of each terrace buildings Sand Karamat and review the building as a feature. Here is a description of buildings Sand Karamat, where the first terrace is the lowest. Terrace I have a rectangle shape, on the terrace shrubs, and weeds still dominate the surrounding terrace. At the bottom of the terrace I (Not included in the core of this building), there are sources of water, which is used locals for irrigating rice fields around the building. Terrace I have the following size: length: 4.60 m, height: 0.3 m, width: 7.20 m. Figure 2. Keletakan terrace I, (Drawn by Irdiansyah, 2008) Photo 1. Part of the terrace wall I: (Alim, 2007) The second terrace: In the second terrace there is a graveyard of local residents. Cemetery resident This form of arrangement of small stones. The tomb was facing north-south, not have a rock that serves as a gravestone, and is made up of chunks of lump- mengelilinggi small stone. There is also a small monolith on the terrace II. The stone has a height 29 cm and width 36 cm, the stone is shaped like a diamond (See photo 23). Terrace II do not have the bush as much as that seen in the porch I. Terrace size II: Length: 2.30 m, height: 1.62 m (measured from the terrace one), width: 16.5 m. Figure 3. Keletakan terrace II (Drawn by Irdiansyah, 2008) Photo 2. Part of the terrace wall II: (Alim, 2008) The third terrace: a rectangular-shaped, such as terraces, does not have any object, just steps alone, and thatch. Terrace III has the size: Length: 2.30 m, height: 1 m (measured from the terrace II), width: 16.5 m. Figure 4. Keletakan terrace III (Drawn by Irdiansyah, 2008) Photo 3. Part of the terrace wall III: (Alim, 2008) Terrace of four: In the fourth terrace with patio before, terrace III. Terrace IV do not have any object other than weeds. IV terrace size: Length: 4.40 m, height: 1.90 m (measured from the terrace III), width: 18.2 m. Figure 5. Keletakan terrace IV (Drawn by Irdiansyah, 2008) Photo 4. Part of the terrace wall IV: (Alim, 2008) Terrace of five: Found longitudinal arrangement of stones in the middle, and his position as V core splitting into 2 parts. The composition of the rock like that found in the west side of the building, but the location of the stone structure was not in the corner of the terrace, but There in the middle of the terrace (see photo 19). Size terrace V: Length: 4.05 m, height: 1.40 m (Measured from the terrace IV), width: 21.8 m. Figure 6. Keletakan terrace V (Drawn by Irdiansyah, 2008) Photo 5. Part of the terrace wall V: (Alim, 2008) Terrace of six: It is a terrace which has the smallest size when compared with the other terraces. Terrace VI also do not have any object other than weeds and shrubs. VI terrace size: Length: 1, 8 m, height: 1, 53 m (measured from the terrace V), width: 17.53 m. Figure 7. Keletakan terrace VI (Drawn by Irdiansyah, 2008) Photo 6. Part of the terrace wall VI: (Alim, 2008) Terrace seven: It is a terrace that has the most objects in the terrace has three findings, namely the stone structure located in the middle as seen on the terrace V. VII terrace wall of the structure is made of natural stone and revealed more clearly the composition of the rock compared with wall arrangements on the terraces below. The finding follows next is a monolith that is sustained by some small stones under it, and it looks flat side (see photo 30), form or profiles and the placement of a monolith that resembles a dolmen, because the structure stone monoliths of the upper part looks flat, and the bottom stone is supported by many of the stones are smaller than the stone monolith them. Small stones in addition to shore up also serves as the legs of stone monolith that. Form of the rock resembles a stone table. Monolith on the terrace VII has a direction toward the east-west. The monolith size, height 35 cm, width 110 cm, length 128 cm. Terrace VII size: Length: 2, 92 m, height: 1.2 m (measured from Terrace VI), width: 20, 2 m. Figure 8. Keletakan terrace VII (Drawn by Irdiansyah, 2008) Photo 7. Part of the terrace wall VII: (Alim, 2008) Terrace eight: Walls terrace shows a similar structure with a terrace VII, which is made from an array of natural stone, still looks very neat and clear once the composition of the stone (see photo 22) when compared with the arrangements wall on the terrace below. VIII terrace also has a composition of stone position in the middle of the terrace, which looks similar to the terrace and patio V VII. Size terrace VIII: Length: 3.08 m, height: 1.6 m (measured from terrace VII), width: 26.7 m. Figure 9. Keletakan terrace VIII (Drawn by Irdiansyah, 2008). Photo 8. Part of the terrace wall VIII: (Alim, 2008) Terrace nine: It is the last terrace. Terrace IX has a wall structure with terrace VII, VIII and terrace. In IX terrace there is a huge monolith, measuring height 1.89 m, length 2 m, width 1.2 m (see photo 20). The monolith have a southeast direction toward the direction of the location of Mount Salak located. The location of the monoliths located in the middle of the terrace. IX terrace also has a Jackfruit tree, right next to big monolith. IX terrace size: Length: 3, 3 m, height: 1, 3 m (measured from terrace VIII), width: 16 m. Figure 10. Keletakan terrace IX (Drawn by Irdiansyah, 2008) Photo 9. Part of the terrace wall IX: (Alim, 2008) Figure 11. Sand wedge Karamat sketch buildings: (Irdiansyah, 2007) The stones are used as a wall of each building has a wide terrace sizes, ie from the smallest size of 9 cm, 20 cm, the largest up to 60 cm. Building in the western and eastern parts are surrounded by a stone structure whose size differing impressed as a barrier or fence. Orentasi terrace on the building Sand Karamat is linear (parallel), but if the direction toward the building seen from the terrace top, the building overlooking the Sand karamat Mount Salak. Mountain in south-east of the building Sand Karamat. Gunung Salak is also the peak Kampung Sindangbarang highest in the region. Manufacturing techniques shown in buildings with regard to the dominant use of stone as the base material. Case given that many sources of rock Sindangbarang area. The stones are stacked one above the other without using glue or lock, so that the weight of the rock itself and the pattern of binding are interconnected, by guaranteeing the robustness of the structure. Basic ingredients used in the manufacture of building terraces show the existence of Sand Karamat strong relationship with the state of the location and surrounding natural environment. 2. 6. The findings in the vicinity of buildings Sand Karamat There is a stone monolith shaped like a seat in the 300 meters northeast direction Sand terraces of buildings Karamat. Locals call it the 'Stone Chair'. High stone size in the "chair" is 50 cm, while length of the stone from the side back to front is 73 cm. The monolith facing west. Based on its location, it does not seem to show monolith building an association with Sand Karamat, if the stone seats separated from the 've moved or not. (Alim, 2007, 2008) Photo 10 and Photo 11. Stone seats in the northeast of the building Sand Karamat There is also a monolith on the edge of the trail, such as menhir yang fall. Location monolith in the west of stone seats, and in the north of the building Sand Karamat. Located relatively close to the stone seat. Monolith has a direction toward the northeast, and the size, thickness 80 cm, length 98 cm, whereas if height measured from the ground is 45 cm. (Alim, 2008) Photo 12. Monolith on the edge of the trail in the north of the building Sand Karamat 2. 7. Building Sand Karamat staircase in village community life Sindangbarang today. Based on the previous description, it is said that the building is still Karamat Sand sacred by local people. Pengeramatan is not let him just anyone to enter the building, or damaging building. Rule applies not only to outsiders, but also applies on local communities Sindangbarang Village. Knowledge surrounding communities about building sand Karamat was merely that the building is creation of their fathers, and they must protect. Some other community said the building had stood since the first time they occupy the village Eurih sand. The statement was obtained for a business interview in some Sindangbarang Village community. Sand building seems Karamat regarded as a result of the remains of their ancestors as well as the legacy of ancestors those that must be guarded and preserved. The staircase-building steps yang Villages are scattered in Sindangbarang they regarded as the hallmark of cultural society that worships spirits of their former ancestors. 2. 7. 1. The role of building terraces in the communities of Sand Karamat Village Sindangbarang. The existence of Sand Karamat building plays an important role in Sindangbarang village community. This was evident in the way people treat the building with staircase is widespread in the village. They interpret it as the former building of the existence of their ancestors. Neither that occur in buildings Sand Karamat, the building is considered sacred by local communities. None of the people who dared to which transferred or destructive objects in the building, especially with stealing large stones used as a terrace wall, this statement is obtained from the testimony person "caretaker" of the building named Mr. Karamat Sand-old Pepen 61 years. Pengeramatan increasingly seen clearly when looking around the building was cultivated as a rice field, while building sand Karamat not totally worked as a rice field. Pepen also said he never saw genie wild boar in the building. It is said to him that the genie is exactly what maintain the building. Apart from the folklore of the building, the Sand Karamat sure that the building is very sacred by its local community, and without regulations tertulispun, adhere not to damage the surrounding community, even the surrounding community also helped preserve the integrity of the building. 2. 7. 2. Role in building terraces Karamat Sand Ceremony Serentaun According Djatisunda (2007 :1-2), Serentaun is a manifestation of the expression thank God Sang Hyang Tunggal held at the end of each year, and before the new year, so that the life of life of its people to grow prosperous. It glorifies the ceremony Patanjala or the god of fertility, and Dewi Sri or Pohaci Sanghyang Asri is a goddess of fertility. Deities are a divinity of the religion Sunda wiwitan. The existence of the worship of goddess fertility in the past Sundanese people, seems to have similarities with worship of the goddess of fertility on the stage of prehistoric farming communities planting. Perhaps the resemblance was due to the community as well as past Sunda Sindangbarang society past and until today which is a community argraris (farmers). As has been said in chapter 1, the majority of livelihoods Sindangbarang population are farmers. Intake water to 7 of 9 springs in the village Sindangbarang considered sacred, and sacred ceremonies arrangement is one in Serentaun. One source of holy water used is archaeological Jalatunda springs. Case It shows the relationship between archaeological in Sindangbarang with Serentaun ceremony. The purpose of taking this water is that water is is a representation of the energy source power ancestor which is divided into 7 eyes water. Next the water that has been obtained must be combined into one entity so that all ancestor joined forces to make a whole. Making process, and water merger is completed, then the composition of the next ceremony is the sprinkling of water. Hopefully, through sprinkling of water from the springs 7 can be combined bring the blessings of the ancestor. Springs are used in ceremonies Serentaun is entirely within the village of Sand Eurih, its fountains, among others, can be seen in the following table: Table. 1. Seven water source in the Sand Village Eurih used for ceremonies Serentaun No. A small time sources of water springs 1. River Cipamali  2. Jalatunda  3. Cikubung  4. Cieming  5. Cilipah  6. Ciputri  7. Cieja  The reason why there are only a small time, while there are 6 springs used, probably due to the spring 6 is exactly what is considered to represent strength ancestor, while the small time Cipamali used as a source holy water in the village of Sand Eurih society. The spring is right in Sand down the terrace I Karamat first building is one of the seven sacred spring Serentaun used in ceremonies. Why nowadays no longer in use, in karenakan venue for the ceremony location is quite far from the location Sand building water source Karamat. Perhaps it is also caused when the fixed using a water source, takes longer, and less effective for ceremonial purposes by the water source is never used as a selection of several other water sources in Kampung Sindangbarang, making the water sources in Sand building Karamat quite special in the local community. 2. 8. Sand Karamat final state in the process of building research Site last observation carried Sand Karamat in April 2008, conditions wall of a terrace can still be seen clearly, it's just a lot of vegetation around such as moss, and shrub cover found in the building. On stone walls are still intact are also visible lichens (moss-colored white, and usually live in the surface rocks). Overall, although many suffered physical damage to buildings, building terraces Sand Karamat still still show the same patterns with the remains of staircase punden megalithic tradition. Identification of the building ..., Anugrah P.F. Alim, FIB UI, 2008 =============================================================== CHAPTER 3 =============================================================== COMPARISON WITH BUILDING SAND Karamat BUILDING concept of megalithic Identification of the building ..., Anugrah P.F. Alim, FIB UI, 2008 In this chapter, first outlined the concept of understanding and megalithic. Understanding and the concept is issued by the archaeologists, or experts, particularly expert megalithic. The next step is to find similarities between Sand terraces building Karamat with the concept, and understanding that has megalithic acknowledged the truth. Where have in common, the next chapter of buildings terraces were compared with megalithic sites have been found, and have been studied, for the purpose of identifying the building as the remnants of tradition megalithic. 3. 1. Megalithic Tradition Megalithic period including the period of history that does not leave a written message, therefore consistent with the objectives of Archaeology for merenskonstruksi behavior the past, as well as cultural merenskonstruksi (Binford, 1978: 80) is required a study of buildings from this period. Based on various references to the megalith, megaliths found in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific there are equations of the form and Megalit function. Equations is shown in several relics Among other megalithic menhirs (upright-stone), kalamba (stone-vat), megalithic statues (Megalithic statue), the graves of stone (stone tomb), carvings of human straddle and others. The equation does not seem to occur because of the same ideas that appears just at each different place, but the equation have a certain background. The experts, among others, linguists, Kern, archaeologist Heine von Geldern, as well as other archaeologists, admitted that in ancient times there has been migration of people who have a habit of erecting megalithic buildings. Distribution of the nation has brought knowledge, and the habit of erecting stones great to meet their needs in the cult of ancestors (ancestor worship) (Geldern, 1945 in Prasetyo, 2004: 95). Based on existing data, in Among previous researchers, has successfully entered into the classification of form or function these relics. The classification is taken from several megalithic buildings in Indonesia. Note also the form, function, or the belief in the same site megalithic different. Indonesian archipelago is a chain of clusters suitable for maintaining continuity of prehistoric life, because the location of the islands that widespread. The meeting between two different cultures, meeting of cultures with the local culture of immigrants, it seems uneven and shows the process that do not show a progression. Even in some places has not changed at all, and still be in a state of living prehistory. This can be seen in several regions in Irian Jaya, and Nusa Southeast, while elsewhere there are some areas that have a life prehistoric ongoing simultaneously with the characteristics of the most recent period. Similarly happens to megalithic tradition that emerged after the tradition of farming- planting began to spread and expand. Megalithic tradition constantly influencing each cultural pattern that goes to Indonesia. For example seemingly on, forms of menhirs, stone mortar, stone dakon terraces and stone structure is still a lot shown on the tombs of Islam and Christians, as found in South Sulawesi, Flores, and areas other. One example in the Islamic cemetery headstone that resembles the form of menhirs at 1.5 m or more in the island of Goods Lompo, and Soppeng (Sulawesi South). As in Islam there is the tomb of Central Flores together with stone Similar dolmen which may serve as pelinggih (Soejono, 1993: 307). One very simple life in close relationship with megalithic tradition, and has been researched with archaeological and anthropological depth is the island of Nias. Megalithic tradition in Nias is still quite strong and very affect the island's culture, traditions affect their religious activity, and their lifestyle. Nias Island is considered as a place with a tradition of megalithic are quite advanced, because in addition to that tradition is still developing until now, the tradition is still embraced, and walked along with their native culture. Continuing the tradition of megalithic remains widely available in other places in Indonesia, especially visible in the Nusa Tenggara Islands (Timor, Flores, Sumbawa, Sumba and others). That tradition still continues with real, and can be distinguished of the core traditions of community life. Examples such as Tanah Toraja, and Batak lands. Megalithic tradition there developed in conjunction with local motifs, and the tradition was continued until the present. Continuing the tradition of the sometimes evident once the nature megalitiknya role and influence in some aspects of community life supporters. That kind of thing still needs to assessed, and the need to require a deeper research, because the field allows us to see the spread of megalithic culture, and the influence- Another influence that has given new twist in the life of the community. Tradition megalithic but grow along with the local culture, the tradition still numerous and widespread in the Indonesian Archipelago. Worship of ancestors spirits to achieve the welfare of individuals in a society, can be found again in almost all of Indonesia. Cult can be complex or abstract form Places are still continuing megalithic tradition in a simple form, where tradition is almost gone by the presence of other cultural influences in public life, still the concept of megalitiknya not completely lost, even walking along with the influence other cultures within that society. In addition to what has been stated above, there are still many issues about the traditions megalithic which should be investigated, considering the number of things that we do not know with sure. One use of the term megalithic. Many people assume that megalithic tradition of producing only large rocks, even though the most important thing It is the concept of culture, namely the cult of the ancestors (Animism). Adoration of the megalithic tradition in the concept did not require great monuments, the monument is quite small, as long as the purpose of worship of ancestors successfully achieved for religious needs. It is also dikemukan by Wagner, he said that the megalith that is always interpreted as a "boulder", in some places will bring misconceptions. Objects smaller stones, and other materials such as wood must also be included in the classification when the megalith objects were clearly used for a sacred purpose, namely the worship of spirits grandmother ancestors (Wagner, 1962: 72 in Prasetyo, 2004: 94). Manifestation of the idea megalith seems to have been so pervasive in all facets of life throughout their supporters period, particularly in Indonesia, so that the ceremony is complete without any people can be considered to perform the ceremony megalithic. Examples such as the sacrificial buffalo and head-hunting, where the implementation of the ceremony without monuments without any monuments or large they are still considered to continue the tradition of megalithic, it because in life megalithic community, the buffalo has a sacred value, and possession of buffalo determine one's social status. (Soejono, 1993: 207-208). 3. 2. Comparison with the concept of building sand megalithic Karamat. As in the previous, in addition to the embrace of tradition, tradition megalithic often develop following the development of local culture. Examples can be seen on the construction of temples are the steps in the staircase high place, and its construction follows the concept punden terraces. Sample images from the development punden staircase leading to the form of temple: Type (A) Type (B) Type (C) Figure 12. Sources: (Indonesian Heritage: 2002, vol: VI, p.: 35) Building form of the megalithic tradition from the prehistoric period (Type A) have changed from prehistoric times to the Hindu-Buddhist period (type B, and type C). Although the shape of the building changed, the objective stance remains changed, ie for the purposes of worship. It looks similar to the Arca Domas punden are thought to have come from the prehistoric period (type A), and is still a sacred area Bedouin today. The site has a flat rock placed around cluster (weeks to enter the porch steps I), whereas the second terrace of the building there is a monolith that overlooks the terrace wall. As for the third terrace there is a stone upright, and on the top terrace of the building there is a field of stone rectangular flat. Arca Domas site is still used for Bedouins worship of ancestors, it shows the expanse of time long, still the original purpose of the building has not changed his stance. There is also the site of building terraces in Central Java, the site Ratu Baka yang follow the concept of building megalithic (type B). The building has a door to into the cluster that was built in the highlands, and is divided into three terraces. Site has an entrance to the top with the remains of a swimming pool, as well as having wooden roof support poles. The site is a shrine Ratu Baka-rise respectively. The building's staircase-building steps are similar to prehistoric punden staircase, just have a lot of extras. Ratu Baka building a site early classic. Further development can be seen on the site Sukuh temple, which lies dilereng Lawu mountain, Central Java (type C). The temple is included in the classical period late (mid-15th century). The temple's architecture consists of three steps or three terraces. In the step III there is an inscription on a statue of Garuda, and buildings that shaped such a short pyramid. If the three types of development compared with the shape of building terraces Sand Karamat physical building, the building has a resemblance to the Sand Karamat type (A), it is because the buildings Sand Karamat has no room or roof, and consists of steps-steps that is composed of rock and soil. Developments punden staircase is also said to follow the changing times similar by Quaritch Wales, he said that the new building in places Such high Sukuh is one level further development of the growth of Hindu-Javanese culture itself, and belong to the cultural patterns typical that originates at the Megalithic (Wales 1958: 92 in Soejono, 1993:209). Wales also said the stone staircase arrangement as found in Lebaksibedug, Arca Domas, Mount Dangkeles, Argapura, Sukuh, Ceto, Mount Kekep, and Mount Butak, is essentially a place of worship for the tribal chiefs, and develop into place of worship spirits of people who have died or others that are considered contributed to the community (Soejono, 1993: 210). Traditions associated with establishment of megalithic building, now partly ruined, and there are still progress. Confidence in the strength of spirit ancestors who lived in later periods, adjusted to the changing times. It was seen by the existence of prehistoric relics alongside Hindu heritage, and then from the Islamic period. In addition to showing that the cult of the ancestors, traditions megalithic culture also showed the large stones arranged regularly according to a certain pattern, ie like those found on hilltops with east-west orientation, or facing the mountains. East-west orientation is a concept that was paralleled by the journey of the sun symbolizes life and death. Confidence in the forces of nature highly influential master of life, evidenced by the menhirs, stone steps, statues, stone mortar, dolmen, and a few stones arranged in such a way ceremonies for the benefit of megalithic tradition (Sukendar, 1982:84). A similar seen also in sands Karamat building in which there are objects profile has a similarity with dolmen and menhirs. Supporting community cultural belief is that the megalithic tradition forces of nature and the spirits of ancestors who have died will be obtained through stances such objects, and through the stones were also spirits grandmother fathers are expected to provide welfare to those who are still alive, to fertility in the soil for planting, and livestock (Soejono, 1993: 222). If it is associated with the presence of objects within the Sand building Karamat, allowing the purpose of constructing the edifice of Sand Karamat first as an offering to the ancestors, with the hope stance can increase the fertility of the surrounding soil. It seems aligned with the majority of people now-eyed Sindangbarang search as a farmer. Sure it can be in touch if indeed the preceding Sand the building as well as community argraris Karamat. Until now the objects of megalithic remains a large question mark or a past that has not been solved completely. Some experts menggangap megalithic complex spread across the world in a movement spread characterized by religious, others view it as a characteristic of a level of civilization that has been steady, while others ignore the presence of megalithic complex this as a real entity, but has its own cultural meaning (Soejono, 1981:230). Perhaps it is caused by the diversity of objects of tradition megalithic, the megalithic tradition can be extended to the continent of Asia and Europe with characteristics, each is different, and as you know, this tradition is a tradition stemming from prehistoric times to the present that have a very long stretch of time, but still the tradition survive until now. 3. 3. Megalithic tradition in the land of Sunda, West Java. Based on the findings of cultural objects from prehistoric times, can be ascertained that the land area of ​​the Sunda existing human life, long before people who live in the place known writings (the history). It means the Sunda lands in prehistoric times has been inhabited by human groups who left traces of their civilized life. They form and leaving the culture, despite how simple. Culture can be seen the megalithic complex of buildings spread out evenly in the soil Sunda, particularly in the highlands, and mountains located on the middle, and southern. Megalithic buildings in the land of Sunda have some variation of building form, and some of which lasted through until the time of history, there was even a influence until the present. Because it's tradition of megalithic relics prehistoric cultures are very meaningful in the context of Sundanese culture Overall (Ekadjati, 2005: 22-38). Another thing that attracted the attention of the West Java region is the discovery cultural objects of prehistory and history of objects in the same location, as in Ciampea (Bogor) and Leles (Garut). This indicates that the location of settlements made continuously since the time prehistory to enter a period of history. A similar situation exists on the site Ciampea, in addition to found cultural objects such as bronze axes, tools made of iron, and jewelry from beads that come from the prehistoric perundagian, also obtained cultural objects from the history of the kingdom Tarumanegara. Even in Valley sites Leles found cultural objects originating from the three traditions, namely prehistoric tradition (megalithic buildings), the history of the period of the Hindu tradition (temple), and tradition Islamic history (grave). The second found artifacts from two different times indicate the existence of cultural fusion material in public life against the background of the local cult of ancestors, and has a close relationship with the welfare of the world (Asmar, 1970: 218; 1975: 21 - 23). Based on the findings in the form of rocks and stones dakon footprints found the site Ciangsana, Sukaresmi Village, Kampung Sindangbarang, showing existence of two characteristic findings derived from different times in one site. Rock dakon in such site has features typical of prehistoric times, while the stone foot stone has a resemblance to the findings of footprints in the history of the site Ciampea, the site is suspected as a relic of the Kingdom of the century Tarumanegara 4th century AD. It seems that the two findings that have the characteristics of the different in one site also occurred in the archaeological Sindangbarang. Unisex megalithic buildings arranged in an east-west system symbolizes the journey of human life. East is where the sunrise symbolizes the birth. West is a place that symbolizes the sun sets death (Sukendar, 1982:84). Through ritual ceremony performed in the complex traditions megalithic expected to appear supernatural energies emitted by the nature and the spirits ancestors are considered to provide the strength and welfare of children grandchildren, as well as fit-planting fertility, animal husbandry, as well as safety in the search for values ​​of the new life (Asmar, 1970: 216). The concept of East-West orientation or West- East from the megalithic tradition was apparently also used by the public Ancient Sundanese, as many megalithic buildings in West Java that has the orientation Thus, for example Pangguyangan sites located in Sukabumi. Punden berundak is oriented east-west. It is also seen on the terraces punden Lebak Sibeduk which has an east-west orientation, those sites Hululingga, Brass, who has an east-west orientation. In addition to the orientation direction of the wind, punden terraces megalithic tradition also orientation has a front-rear direction toward building terraces, and most direction toward building terraces, especially in West Java, overlooking the mountains highest, as seen on terraces punden mountain sites Padang, Cianjur, that has a direction toward the mountain. Site Arca Domas in Rangkasbitung, also has a direction toward the mountain. Based on the orientation of buildings Sand Karamat the Western-east, and overlooks the Salak mountain when seen from the southeast terrace top, to say the building also has a similar concept, the concept symbolizes the journey of the sun. The entry of various religions in an area, often trust of ancestral remains are not lost, but mixed with religious elements- religious messages. It can thus be seen against the beliefs of grandmother ancestor shared by Bedouins, their worship center is located at Arca Domas site. They menggangap that first derived by God to the ground Sundanese live in the area, and the people who occupy land Sunda now is a direct descendant of that first person, nor may the all people living on earth today. Bedouins believed that the Bedouins are the central regions of the world or the earth's core, that's where the beginning anyway creation of the universe, and the place was first derived human later became the ancestor of the Bedouin and other inhabitants of the earth (Permana, 2006: 164). The reason why the lift Bedouins as an example of comparison, besides due to the community in the Land of Sunda, West Java, also Bedouin culture because people who are still maintain the original culture Sundanese or maybe still retain Sundanese people of ancient cultures to the present. As for other than because maintain, Bedouins also have a similar concept of trust with the concept of megalithic tradition, namely the cult of the ancestors. Apparently it is in harmony with the faith community around Sindangbarang still perform a ceremony to thank to the ancestors (Serentaun), and the existence of Sand Karamat building which when equated founding purpose with the aim of the staircase punden megalithic animist traditions. This makes the site perundagian in West Java is different from the site perundagian with other regions in Indonesia, is located in the core development public confidence in the ancient Sunda Land that is not inclined towards problem burial. In the Land of Sunda, particularly in the hinterland, the tendency headed towards the worship of ancestors. The argument is strengthened by not the graveyard in the findings of megalithic sites in West Java, for example in the site Gunung Padang, Pangguyangan sites, or sites Sibedug Lebak. It is certainly very different from the megalithic sites in the island of Sumatra, for example Pasemah site, which is generally the site burial ground. That difference may be a continuation of the earlier megalithic tradition which ultimately influence continued until the period then, even in certain cases its influence is still visible today. Looking at these descriptions, it is seen that the megalithic tradition of highly affect the pattern of Indonesia in particular aspects of community life, in terms of pattern everyday life until the terms of religion. Megalithic tradition also spread almost thoroughly in the Indonesian archipelago showing the variety of shapes and different complexion. 3. 4. Sand Karamat equality concept with the concept of building terraces punden in West Java site Megalithic culture are not only continuing the tradition, but tradition the building also helped spread almost all over the Indonesian archipelago. Building known and named punden megalithic staircase, due to its staircase steps. The shape of the building may vary. Architecture of the building can stand alone or can be a unity of a group of buildings, but of course the main purpose and objectives of the establishment of the buildings did not escape from background worship ancestors, and hope prosperity for those who still alive, and perfection for the dead. Punden or staircase building is a building that allegedly originated from the time prehistory that continued until the present. The building is kind of relics of megalithic tradition included in the structure. Other structures which usually found along with the building is a stone path and stairs in one unity. Objects that are derived from a similar tradition is also commonly found in a whole building. Establishment and worship of these buildings expected to provide happiness and prosperity to those who live. (Sukendar, 1982: 84-85). Punden berdenah terraces usually rectangular and arranged terraced. There are pyramid-shaped construction, as for the mengikuiti slope land, and the higher the level the more backward it is. Establishment existing buildings that follow the forms of state locations, and there followed a state soil surface (contour). Boundary between the terrace or walls perterasnya made with andesite rock and soil materials. The top or upper terrace steps of punden terraces are usually regarded as the most sacred places or sacred. Punden terraces have various types of forms, depending on the period when This building was established. Urian is enough to show similarities with Sand Karamat architecture of the building. The shape of the staircase is a changing landscape punden-land, or the steps that cut the neck of the hill, like a giant staircase. The main ingredient soil, stone material aides. Buildings like this are found in Java West. Some examples of buildings with staircase has been found and has been studied in West Java, is seen in the following table. Table 2. Site punden terraces in West Java No Site Location Form Number terrace floor plan 1. Gunung Padang Cianjur 5-7 storey terrace stairs * 2. Valley Duhur Cianjur 5-story porch stairs * 3. Sand Ciranjang Cianjur 5 storey terrace lined terrace ** 4. Mattresses hill Cianjur five-story porch stairs * 5. Hululingga Brass 3 terraces pyramid 6. Lulumpang Garut 13 terrace sand pyramids 7. Tanjung Pasir Garut 9 storey semi-circular terrace 8. Hanging Sand Garut 12-story porch stairs * 9. Sand Luhur Garut 11-story porch stairs * 10. Sand Astaria Garut 15-story porch stairs * 11. Central Sand Garut 15-story porch stairs * 12. Sand Kolecer Garut 15-story triangular terrace 13. Sand Kairapayung Garut 11-story semi-circular terrace 14. Cangkuang Garut 3 storey semi-circular terrace 15. Arca Domas Rangkasbitung 13-story semi-circular terrace 16. Lebak Sibedug pyramid terrace Rangkasbitung 11 17. Kosala Rangkasbitung five-story semi-circular terrace 18. Pangguyangan Sukabumi seven-story porch stairs * 19. Tampomas I Sumedang 7 terrace pyramids 20. Tampomas II Sumedang 3 storey terrace stairs * * Page storey terrace, ** Page width terrace every level. Sources: (Abdullah, 2000; Sukendar 1985) Punden terraces in West Java in general will have a sketch of such steps, namely the more backward the higher terrace. A similar situation exists also Sand terraces on the building plan karamat, the building has a floor plan as stairs, follow the slope of the land, and the more backward the higher terrace. The number of building terraces terraces terraces Sand Karamat is 9. In general number punden terrace staircase at odd numbered from West Java, only a few buildings terraces in West Java which dates to an even number of his porch. Matrix or punden standing terraces in West Java, consists of two kinds, namely the flat and slope (Sukendar, 1986: 60-61). Sand building Karamat matrix is ​​where oblique Punden terraces in West Java seems to choose the highest mountain in the region surrounding the direction and orientation toward the building, in that mountain must be at punden rear staircase, while keletakan natural environments such as rice, fields, and woods, it did not show the presence of a particular pattern. Often in punden site was located in an agricultural area, and surrounding forest, apparently environmental factors in the form of farmland, and forests did not affect the pattern placement direction toward the site, as evidenced by lying mostly in the around the site, in front, beside, and behind the site. (Sukendar, 1985:9-10). Case similar happened to the building keletakan Sand Karamat above paddy fields. Based on previous examples, it seems punden terraces in Java West also follow the concept of megalithic tradition mostly, it looks in the direction and orientation toward building terraces in West Java, many of whom had direction toward and orientation similar to the concept of megalithic. The concept was seen also on building terraces Sand Karamat. Direction and orientation toward a punden terraces deserves to be taken into account as the study of megalithic tradition of research, because the basic concept of the direction toward it also describes the cult of ancestors. Illustrates the direction facing the mountain that the mountain is regarded as residence or dwelling place of the spirits of their ancestors, while the orientation East-West describes a journey of their ancestors live (Asmar, 1975b: 35). The reason why punden terraces in West Java have a similar concept with the concept of the remains of megalithic tradition punden terraces, probably due ancient Sundanese community trust has similarities with the concept of animism derived from the megalithic tradition, when people's confidence before the ancient Sunda Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism have not entered their territory. Other interesting things from building sand Karamat was the same building not worked as a rice field by the locals. Genesis is different once the land surrounding the building was used as the population rice fields of interest, whereas under the porch I have Karamat Sand building a spring, and in the building at second terrace of an old cemetery, which seems sacred by the locals. Besides having the cemetery, the building has a composition Karamat Sand stone medium-sized structured around the building, which looks like a fence of stone. In the step VII there is a monolith that is supported by several small stones below it, and the top side of the monolith that looks flat. Small stones in addition to as well as shore up the legs of the monolith. Profile of the monoliths on the terrace VII Karamat Sand building resembles the cultural traditions of megalithic dolmen Dolmen itself has a characteristic, namely stone structure consisting of a stone width supported by several other stone fruit that resembles the shape of the table. Dolmen serves as a place to hold events in conjunction with worship ancestral spirits. The word itself comes from the dolmen Britons language (French north), "dol" which means the table, and "men" meaning stone. (Soejono, 1981: 315). Dolmen can serve also as a burial, it thus looks at the excavation by De-hand the difficulty Mrawan (East Java), the excavation work found human teeth, and beads in various sizes made of stone, glass, and terracotta total of 79 pieces, as well as gold in the form of a ring (possibly as stock tomb) (Heekeren, 1958; in Soejono, 1993: 215). Discovery monolith shaped like a dolmen on the Sand Karamat, can not be much discussed over function, because it is necessary to study deeper, ie excavation, to know the purpose of its construction. On the terrace of buildings Sand IX Karamat, there is a monolith that stands upright and large. The monolith has a southeast direction toward the direction of the location of Mount Salak located. The location of the monoliths was in the middle of the terrace. Keletakan, facing direction, and profiles monolith has a resemblance to the "menhirs" which comes from megalithic tradition. The word "menhir" itself comes from the Briton with the origin of the word "Men" meaning stone and "hir" which means standing, so it literally means menhir standing stones (Soejono, 1981:321). Similarities monolith with a porch IX Sand Karamat menhir on well with the frequency found menhirs placed on the terrace The top sites punden. This is probably due to the higher levels a terrace, the terrace is also holy, and therefore sacred objects are usually placed on the top terrace. Menhir itself can serve as a marker of the shrine, statue megalithic, as repellent reinforcements, until it can function as a menhir stones warnings in relation to worship ancestral spirits (Kosasih, 1986: 30). Based various expert opinions megalithic there is one point, namely that the menhir was a megalithic elements built by supporters to meet the needs of that has to do with certain ceremonies. The other interesting thing about the archaeological Sindangbarang, namely the archaeological sources of water, for example the archaeological Wells Jalatunda the form of springs, and the archaeological park in the form of Sri Bagenda small times. Some building terraces in the village area was also found water source nearby. This can be seen in the table below. Table 3. Sindangbarang archaeological link to the source water. No small time Antiquities Sindangbarang springs 1. Building terraces Sand Karamat √ 2. Building terraces Zoroastrian √ √ 3. Building terraces Surawisesa √ 4. Building terraces Rucita √ 5. Building Sand Eurih staircase, √ 6. Building terraces Leuweng Kebon Cede √ 7. Building terraces Hunyur Kadoya √ 8. Bangunanberundak HunyurCibangke √ 9. Bale megalithic Kambang √ Sources: (Munandar, 2007: 8-18) The situation also occurred at several other sites in the area of ​​western Java, for example at the bottom of the staircase punden Mount Padang, Cianjur, also obtained springs (wells) are always remove the old water (Sukendar, 1985: 86). Neither with what is found in megalithic sites of Kuta village, Sukabumi, near with river flow Cicatih named Stone Jolang site. The site is located at small hilltop flanked by a river and Cileur Cisaat (Azis and Bintarti, 1986:82). Brass in the region, there are groups of menhirs Village Ragawacana large, dakon stones, or flat stones on top of a small hill, and at the bottom of the hill are the megalithic buildings are a natural pool called Mudhole majesties (Kosasih, 1986:35). According to information before the ceremony Serentaun AM Sumawijaya Sindangbarang held, then kokolot overtime (religious leader who led the ceremony) takes water from seven different springs in the area and surrounding Sindangbarang. The water is then used for ceremonial purposes. (Munandar, 2007:27). Ceremony Serentaun found not only in Sindangbarang alone, but can be found also in Cengkuk Village community, the Village Margalaksana, in Sukabumi district. In Village there is a building megalithic monument sites Gede. Artefacts found the site is also quite diverse, from rock types such as menhir, dakon stone, obsidian, pickaxe square, a stone mortar, and ceramic. Based on the information about the local community site that Gede Monument Serentaun ceremonies and have artifacts of megalithic tradition, it it seems to sync with your Sindangbarang who also perform the ceremony and had findings similar to megalithic tradition. Comparative analysis between building sand Karamat with terraces punden done in the next chapter. Analysis of the data the next chapter in greater detail than the chapter this. The analysis also uses the concept of megalithic already presented in this chapter, and used as the main reference in the analysis phase comparison. Comparison undertaken to identify the purpose of building terraces to Sand Karamat issued an explanation. =============================================================== CHAPTER 4 =============================================================== COMPARISON WITH BUILDING SAND Karamat Berundak punden EXISTENCE AND REVIEW SOURCES THROUGH archaeological SINDANGBARANG WRITTEN Identification of the building ..., Anugrah P.F. Alim, FIB UI, 2008 4. 1. A review of the Building Sand Karamat as archaeological features This analysis is a step in the direct observation of its main object namely the observation of the building staircase Sand Karamat alleged punden terraces. These observations are aimed at observing the building as a result relics of past societies. Observations are made to: Forms, plan, keletakan, size, building materials and building orientation. Analysis of features, the process is not only the building phase are undergo a process of analysis, but the findings in the building should also analyzed. The aim is to determine whether the relationship building with the findings contained therein (the association). Keletakan findings, size, direction toward the findings and plan of the building should also be used as data that can support the research. The process of this kind of research using the objects as research data (artefaktual). Given the things that would be observed above ground level on a landscape, then the things that are geographical, such as land slope (contour) and the condition of the surrounding environment (flora and fauna) includes a source of water in general must be known. Environmental conditions are used as study data, because of origins of the building and finding in it is the result of the natural surroundings. Information about the trail made to the building, expected to also known from the state data surrounding natural environment. Concerning the existence of a building very close relationship with the community creator, and because its creator is a former community, residential Now living near the building can also be used as an object research. Perhaps the study of the surrounding society is not artefaktual, but not regardless of one archaeological purposes, namely reskonstruksi cultural history, and reskonstruksi behavior, then all data that can be supported if research, should be used. A review of building sand Karamat has described in Chapter 2. 4. 2. Comparison with punden Karamat Sand building terraces. Based on the main objectives, namely the identification effort, the description of Sand building Karamat has been done in chapter 2 compared with tingalan similar. In this case the building terraces Sand Karamat compared with punden terraces of megalithic tradition. Comparison using the full report about the descriptions of the punden-punden staircase has been investigated, and therefore some great analogy in this study was conducted based on these reports. Comparison of Sand Karamat building with terraces punden attention to form, style, size-punden punden others in order to find similarities and differences. Not forgotten at this stage, building terraces located in the region archaeological Sindangbarang is also assessed through written sources that related, and the results of that analysis are expected to get an answer of research problems. Sand terraces due to the location of buildings in West Java Karamat, then the first first attempt to compare the building with punden in Java West. The reason why the building's staircase compared with megalithic buildings Other or punden staircase, because it is caused by: One characteristic punden staircase is constructed by following the shape state location, and facing toward the higher ground which is considered as shrine. It thus looks at the construction site of Mount Padang follow the slope of land. There is also the site Arca Domas, Cibalai (West Java) if viewed from the top terrace, overlooking the buildings of Mount Salak. Two things are Sand building also owned by Karamat, a building when seen in the direction southeast from the top terrace overlooking Mount Salak, as well as the development follow the slope of the land. The reason why the direction toward Mount Salak made, may be due to the mountain is the highest mountain of the mountains surroundings. Gunung Salak is like the parent of the surrounding mountains, and the mountain was in the midst of great mountains, namely Mt Pangrango and Mount Gede on the east side, and on its west side is Mount Kendeng and Mist Mountain (Munandar: 2007: 43). Building Sand karamat when seen from the first terrace, the building has direction east-west orientation. Similar orientation are owned by punden Pangguyangan, and punden Sibedug Lebak. And punden Hululingga Punden staircase can be a building that is open and not protected by roof. Building terraces Sand Karamat also has no roof, and is open building. Such a characteristic seen also in punden Gunung Padang, punden Pangguyangan, Hululingga, Tanjung Pasir, and Lebak Sibedug. Building sketch Sand Karamat: Plan punden Hululingga: Figure 13. Comparison of plan B. Karamat sand with punden Hululingga Identification of the building ..., Anugrah P.F. Alim, FIB UI, 2008 Structure of stone, with a rectangular floor plan, and ordered terraced, is one of the characteristics of punden terraces. The structure is shown in punden Gunung Padang, punden Hululingga, as well as punden Lebak Sibedug Demikianpula those that occur in building structures Sand Karamat. Often there is a stone structure around punden, the structure of the stone like a fence surrounding a punden. Stone fence can be seen punden berudak on Mount Padang. The building also has a staircase Sand Karamat fence surrounding the stone structure of the building. Building sketch Sand Karamat: Plan punden Mount Padang: Figure 14. Comparison of plan B. Sand Mountain punden Karamat with Padang Establishment punden generally located on the plateau, both in the hills, mountains, or other high areas. It thus based on more areas higher is considered sacred by the society to the present. Building terraces Sand karamat is also built on the plateau. So many traits seen in punden terraces in Indonesia, and especially seen in punden-punden in West Java. Punden can be a two-story porches or more, and in general number of terraces or steps of building terraces in odd numbered from West Java, only Few buildings of his porch framed staircase even (Sukendar, 1985: 85). Similarly, which occurred in a building that has a staircase Sand Karamat 9 terrace. Number of Sand Karamat terrace building have in common with the number of terraces at Tanjung Pasir punden which also has nine terraces. Building sketch Karamat Sand: Sand Cape punden Plan: Figure 15. Comparison of plan B. Sand Sand Tanjung Karamat with punden The material generally consists of the mound punden made terraced level, and edges reinforced with clay reinforced by the arrangement of stones. In some punden large terraces, usually at the edge of each terrace is equipped with piles of stone fences, for example, can be viewed on the site of Mount Padang, and Hululingga sites, and sites Pangguyangan, as well as on site Onje Village, District Mrebet, Purbalingga, Central Java. Building terraces Sand Karamat also has a stone structure at each edge of the terrace which was formed from fragments of stones mixed with soil naturally. (A) (b) Photo 13. The composition of stone B. Sand Karamat (a) Photo 14. Onje punden stone structure, (Alim, 2007) Purbalingga, Central Java (b) (Museum collection Purbalingga, 2005) The existence of sacred objects on a punden or in a single unit also is one of the characteristics of punden terraces. Upright stone (menhir), flat rock, stone dakon, dolmen, and the altar persajian are objects that are often found in punden. On the terrace there is a monolith II Sand Karamat small rectangular, and like a diamond shape. Monolith was as high as 29 cm and 36 cm wide. Still in terrace II, there is also a cemetery that is located not far from monolithic , the local community say the person buried was a former leading people of the village. Graves of prominent people in the site punden terraces are also contained in the Site Old Continent Keling, Pasemah. Graves trusted as a tomb for those who have set up sites in the region , and the graves of people who once in power, nor be the object of pilgrimage (Kusumawati, 1996: 40-41). It seems that they honor him with no damage tombs, probably the same reason for the existence of graves, building terraces Sand Karamat is not cultivated at all by the locals. Under the direction toward Karamat Sand tomb in the north building, south, probably the tomb tomb Muslims, but of course it was not enough to explain about the buried, because his tomb do not have the number of years, even the grave only the form of a small stone structure shaped berderetan rectangular less uniform. Something similar can be seen on the site punden Hululingga, which has mounds tomb stone that looks like someone on the porch III, rocky outcrop was also sacred by the locals. Also found in the tomb where punden Hamlet on the site comparison, Village Karangjambu, Purbalingga, Central Java. Hamlet punden appeal has three levels of terraces, and there are seven graves at Terrace I. These tombs has a north-south orientation (Atmosudiro, 1980:99-100). Its being a tomb in punden staircase, showing one of the functions of a staircase punden, namely as a place of worship spirits of ancestors or as a place of burial. This is supported by the stationing of some experts, one of them, namely punden terraces usually contain objects or megaliths tomb figures and someone who is considered sacred, and serves as a place ceremonies in connection ancestor worship ancestral spirits (Soejono, 1993: 327 - 328). In buildings Sand Karamat, found monolith similar to the profile dolmen, which is on the terrace VII. Shape or profile, or the placement of the monolith resembles a dolmen, because the structure of the stone is a monolith which part it looks flat, and at the bottom of the monolith is supported by many of the stones smaller than on the monolith. Small stones in addition to supporting also serves as the legs of the monolith. Monolith has a direction toward east-west, and shape the stone resembles a stone table. Monolith was sized, high 35 cm, width 110 cm, length 128 cm. Such profiles were seen also on site Weigh, Subdistrict Cilimus, Kuningan, West Java, which has refuted monoliths with stones smaller (Kosasih, 1986:27-28). Resemble stone dolmen construction is also seen on the site Gerngenge, Village Dagan, Hamlet Pamujan, District Bobotsari, Purbalingga, Central Java. Gerngenge dolmen stones at the site have the same direction toward the monolith dolmen-shaped terrace VII at Sand Karamat, the east-west direction. Direction toward the East-West monolith, is estimated to have close ties to the the direction of sunrise and sunset. Dolmen that has a direction toward the East-West regarded as a cultural liaison with the megalithic cult of the sun, because the sun is considered as the source of life. Toward such a direction can be seen also on-dolmen dolmen in Pasemah. There is also a similar incident at the dolmen in the site Two branches, and Stone shield, Sumber Jaya subdistrict, North Lampung District, South Sumatra Province (Hoop, 1932: 135-138). Type in the western part of Indonesia dolmen stones construction is not done (Sukendar, 1982: 84-85). The same type owned monoliths in the terrace VII Sand Karamat, the profile is not visible presence of the former work, only the placement of stone large over small stones, and a flat top surface of the stone has a resemblance the dolmen. On the topmost terrace or patio IX Karamat Sand building, there is a monolith large. Monolith was as high as 1.89 m, length 2 m, width 1.2 m, and has towards the southeast direction toward the location of Mount Salak located. The location of the monoliths that are in middle of the terrace. It appeared to be similar to the concept of object keletakan sacred that is generally placed on the highest terrace surface. Such incidents can also be seen on the Site Arca Domas (Cibalai, West Java) by location monoliths set on the terrace at the top, and when seen from the terrace at the top, Punden Arca Domas also facing towards Mount Salak. The laying of the sacred objects in The top terrace is also visible on the site Pangguyangan. In it there is a stone punden upright on both ends of the east and west. Similarity keletakan sacred objects on the terrace can diksaksikan also on site Cape sand that has shaped monoliths like a frog on the porch VIII. Monolith similar to the figure of the animal is unique, because it is not found in punden-punden other West Java. Purity level increases towards the terrace more height, expressed also by Pleyte, that the meaning of levels that led to over the background of trust, where is the place where the highest ancestral spirits dwell. (Pleyte, 1909 in Sukendar, 1986: 63-64), while the shape of the building with staircase pattern of stratified, it seems symbolizes the stages that must be passed by the ancestral spirits to achieve The highest and holiest place, it is observed from the presence in the form of menhirs, or dolmen, tombs, and so on in the top terrace of a punden. (Soejono, 1993: 328). The presence of water just below the terrace I buildings Sand Karamat, Showed a similarity with the concept of sacred buildings in the Hindu- Buddhism was founded near the sacred body of water. In Hinduism, holy water These are known as the Amrita (the sacred water of immortality), the water that is then used as a means of religious rites, whether it is to wash sins, ask for blessings, safety and welfare. One arrangement ceremony Serentaun yang using the seven sacred spring Eurih Sand Village, apparently warned by 7 ocean of Hindu-Buddhist teachings. Maybe in a Hindu ceremony conception Serentaun- Buddhanya abandoned and only the traditions are still maintained, but all kinds of prayer still being done by ordinances of Islam (Munandar, 2007: 27). Proximity of water sources with the shrine is also seen in prehistoric sites, namely the site Glempang Hamlet, Village Dagan, District Bobotsari, Purbalingga, Central Java (Atmosudiro, 1980: 105). Other interesting things about the source of water is the water not sand Karamat never dry, even the water source has never subsided, even though the dry season prolonged, so from then until now it remains a source of water used for everyday needs of local communities. Such information is obtained through interviews with the building caretaker named Mr. Karamat Sand Pepen. Based on previous descriptions are building terraces Sand Karamat have seen a lot of similarities with the building of the megalithic tradition that is "Punden berundak". Mainly due to having many similarities with the site Padang mountain, and the site Hululingga, when seen in terms of pembangunanya yang follow the form of state locations (contour). The shape and arrangement of terraces punden in West Java showed that there equation, but when viewed in terms of building structure can be known of the two punden types namely: First: Building with staircase staircase made the steps to follow the shape state locations. Undakannya boundary walls made of stone. For example: the mountain site Padang, Tanjung Pasir, and Hululingga site. Second: Building with staircase is made by arranging rocks into the soil stratified growing up vanishingly small. Generally shaped pyramidal with a rectangular plan. For example Pangguyangan sites and sites Sibedug Lebak. If the building Sand Karamat observed through common features, building Sand Karamat, including the type of the first. 4. 3. Discussion of the findings about the building of Sand Karamat The discovery of the stone chair which was situated a bit far from the building Sand Karamat (see photo 10 and photo 11), making the study of building sand Karamat more interesting, even the local community was mengeramatkan stone seat. Interviews with local residents who called Mr. Appay aged 57 years, to clarify the statement that indeed the stone was considered sacred, he also said that although the land will be built next to the house, but still rocks is not moved or removed. Even people who build houses great respect for the rock nearby, and plans to put a fence around the stone. The presence of stone seats can disaksakikan also in places such as in Nias, megalitk site Terjan (Krangan District, District Apex). In the site found about 20 pieces of stone seats (Sukendar, 1986:61). Stone seats were also found the sites on the terrace punden Pangguyangan IV. Similarly shaped stones found like a throne in the STEPS site on the top terrace of the building. Not just near Sand Karamat who was a stone chair, on the west side Surawisesa staircase building stone were also found. The stone is located in the middle fields, and a length sekirar 5.6 cm, and height 3 m. Stone also chairs sacred by the locals, and it seems unlikely that the stone Surawisesa associated with building terraces, due to its location rather far apart. Stone chair which was situated a bit far from the building Sand Karamat has two basins that may be made intentionally, not naturally, as well as there are scratches on the side of the elongated seat senderan (Munandar, 2007: 24). Building terraces Surawisesa is also included in the archaeological area Sindangbarang. Interests of the founding stone seats may be intended for ceremony. The corresponding argument is said by one of the megalithic experts, the chair stones found around the building apparently close relation to the worship the ancestors, and functioned as the seat for spirits, and The stone is associated with the ceremonies. As for Perry also said the function of stones shaped like a chair serves as a place to make offerings, and temporary seating for the gods who descended to the earth to meet the devotees (Perry, 1918: 32 in Sukendar, 1986: 62-63). The discovery well in the north of the building Sand Karamat, a stone monolith shaped like a menhir which in the resting position (see photo 12 and photo 24). Locals mengeramatkan stone, like a stone seat. Monolith shaped like a fallen menhir is also used as data for support the building of Sand Karamat as tingalan megalithic tradition. Distribution of megalithic archeological findings at the feet of the mountain are found in West Java. One example, which as seen in the spread of megalithic sites, located at the foot of Mount Ciremai, Regency Brass (Kosasih, 1986:27-28). Something similar happened also in archaeological keletakan Sindangbarang at the foot of Mount Salak. 4. 4. Comparison of building sand in the rice fields Karamat with sengkedan around Kampung Sindangbarang Building terraces Sand Karamat when seen at a glance, the form of development sengkedan similar to, perhaps it is caused by many weeds, the weeds, and a large tree that covers the surface of the building, which makes it difficult to observe. It is encouraged to review again by comparing the building with sengkedan Sand Karamat. Comparisons are: Building Sand Karamat has a width of each terrace is too broad when functioned as the drainage water to the bottom, consequently the water is not down but finally pooled in the middle of the terrace. Therefore, it is difficult, and ineffective if Sand building used as a sengkedan Karamat, even large buildings perteras is broader than the surrounding Sand Village sengkedan Eurih. Building Sand Karamat uncultivated as a rice field, while steps surrounding the building worked as a rice field. As for building Sand Karamat on terrace II there is a tomb consisting of a small stone structure, and VII on the terrace there is a monolith similar to the dolmen, as well as on existing terraces IX monolith similar to the form of menhirs. The existence of the tomb, and the monolith that is what be a strong reason that the building is not a sengkedan Sand Karamat. Water sources under the porch I Building Sand Karamat, when seen from it is clearly visible in terms of building sand Karamat is not used as irrigating rice fields, because if properly used as irrigation, should flow from springs water is located on top of buildings Sand Karamat, while the location of water source located at the bottom. There's no way people who worked on the rice field berkesulitan taking water from the top of the building to irrigate their fields, if there are sources of water beneath it. Sand building Keletakan Karamat quite far apart from the settlement local. If indeed the purpose of building construction as a means prevent landslides, the area around the building is supposed to be there Karamat Sand a settlement or housing, but in fact does not exist. Photo 15. Building Sand Karamat Photo 16. Rice fields around the village (Alim, 2007) Sindangbarang (collection: Sudirman, 2007) The abundance of rocks in Kampung Sindangbarang, making the rocks as a source of major raw materials of nature for the development of archaeological megalithic in the region, it shows the past Sindangbarang really exploit the potential of the surrounding nature. It is very visible from several archaeological Sindangbarang witnessed in the village, which entirely made from raw stones. The selection of raw materials from natural sources other have not seen in the region Sindangbarang, material selection is not due shortages of raw materials other natural resources Sindangbarang previous society, but community may not require a magnificent building for the benefit religious, the most important concept is therefore channeled pemujaanya community that inhabit the area just use the potential of its natural course. Nor is there possibility at the time of building archaeological establishment, the building does not appear as now, there may be some parts of the building that has been lost Damage or damaged until now not yet known, because it has not found supporting evidence, and considering the archaeological buildings Sindangbarang not yet carried out excavations. The characteristics of a terraced stone wall rising to the rear is still characterize the most important identifier to distinguish the types of terraces punden other ancient buildings. Sand building assessment Karamat not stop here, the existence The building also will be linked with the written sources that concerned, in order to achieve full explanation of the building. 4. 5. Sindangbarang archaeological assessment through written sources Sunda ancient. To get a full explanation of an object, or buildings of the past, can not be through direct interviews to the community founder, because it has gone. Then the assessment objects from the past can be through written sources are interconnected. The problem Sand building identification Karamat included in the Sunda region, then the source written relating to the history of ancient Sundanese, are needed in this stage (Munandar, 2007: 55). Written sources may be texts, folklore, legend, myth, or verbal narration (rhyme). Review of Kingdom of Sunda regions is also very important, then by examining the Kingdom of Sunda and its relics in it, maybe it can be known whether the building has a relationship with staircase Sand Karamat with the Kingdom of Sunda (classical period). The first step in the assessment of building sand Karamat through written sources are the first to find written sources Sindangbarang related areas. Hopefully, through written sources, archaeological Sindangbarang get concrete so that an adequate explanation produce an answer. In the tradition soendalandshistorie sources presented the names of regions included into the territory of the Kingdom of Sunda, which bans Cirebon, Cirebon Girang, Sindangbarang, Suka Pura, roe Lamotan, Galuh, Astuna Ban, Tajeknasing, Sumedanglarang, Ujang Mubara, Ajong Kidul, Kamuning Ivory, Pancakaki, Cape Singguru, Kalapa, Banten Girang, pulasari, and Ujung Kulon. Some local names Other known after the Sunda kingdom collapsed (Suka Pura, Sumedang bans) (Hageman, 1876 in Ekadjati, 2005: 140-141). Sindangbarang name is mentioned a source of Sundanese tradition, so it is certainly possible archaeological Sindangbarang have a relationship with the Kingdom of Sunda .. Sundanese ancient written sources tell about switching center Sunda Kingdom government which was originally in Kawali (Ciamis), then move to Pakwan Pajajaran (Bogor). It happened during the reign of Sri Baduga Overlord / Queen Jaya gods (1428-1521 AD). Pakwan Pajajaran is the name funeral where the kings of Sunda, which finally been won by the Islamic army from Bantam in the year 1679 AD, whereas in the 14th century AD Sundanese kings still exist fixed dwell in Kedaton Surawisesa in Ciamis (Munandar, 2007: 28). While the meaning of the word itself is Pakwan Pajajaran: (pa + + kuwu an = where the rule: Pajajaran = building which stood in a row) that if can be interpreted berartikan "that lined the palace" (Munandar, 2007:31). Proximity keletakan Kampung Sindangbarang with the City of Bogor, strengthen the possibility that there is a close relationship between the central power of government Kingdom of Sunda in Bogor, with archaeological presence in Sindangbarang. The possibility was based on allegations of Bogor City as a place of establishment Panca Prasadha, which has the meaning of 5 buildings that lined the palace (Munandar, 2007: 34-35). In the description Parahyangan story, told the king of the Kingdom of Sunda named Rakeyan Darmasiksa or Jayabhupati (considered the incarnation wisnu) build shrines in the vicinity of their authority over instruction and teaching The Wiku (religious leaders) (Munandar, 2007: 35). Based on the government Jayabhupati believed to be Panca Prasadha (Bogor), may archeological in Sindangbarang is one of the sacred buildings which he founded, and its construction follows the concept punden berundak. Or likely archaeological buildings contained in Sindangbarang possible comes from a time long ago (prehistoric), and then reused by Jayabhupati, and functioned as a sacred building, in accordance with its original function. Of it shows the relationship between the concept of megalithic animist religious tradition with the old Sunda religious ancestor worship. Possible archaeological Sindangbarang is the result of building Sunda kingdom grew, when viewing the contents of the Bogor Sipadaweruh Pantun waterfall. The poem tells the holy steps Darmasiksa founded in Overtime Garden, and then he was a King Wisnubarata. The one poem that tells the story again about Overtime Garden, which is Pantun Dedeg War Jaya Pati, who also came from Bogor. Contents Pantun told many people that go meditated on the steps-steps Overtime holy Garden. Name Overtime Park is the old name of the region Sindangbarang (Munandar, 2007: 60-61). The story rhymes, very similar to what occur at the site Pangguyangan, punden staircase has called "dither Earth "on the eve of the visitors Kliwon used to invoke something like asked to come mate, and a remedy for the disease (Soejono, 1993:225). According to a person named Anis Sundanese cultural Djatisunda, there Pantun Bogor some that tell about the Kingdom of Sunda in Pakuan Pajajaran many set up a shrine, one of which is a description in Pantun Gede Curug tells Sipada Weruh. The description says one of its sacred buildings Balay called Pamunjungan, building a staircase-steps, not an enclosed building that has booths as appropriate temples. The building is a place for initiating Hyang Agung. In the Kingdom of Sunda unisex sacred building that is not a building holy kingdom, the building is called Balay Pamujan. Balay Pamujan form punden staircase patio-terrace with a stone structure strengthened, and the soil so flat (Djatisunda, 2008:10 in Munandar, 2008: 10-11). Based on written sources that have been described, there was no written sources that tell the concrete and specific about the existence archaeological in Sindangbarang. Written sources are generally only told about kronikal of the Kingdom of Sunda, which includes religious conception, and sacred buildings only. It's probably not because there are no written sources tell, but the written sources tell directly about undiscovered archaeological Sindangbarang. According Munandar (2007: 54), building on the staircase just punden made from blocks of natural stone for retaining each terrace demonstrate the simplicity for the sake of worship. It shows the concept of ancient Sundanese religion that is not too concerned with the grandeur of buildings sacred. That concept may be the cause of building the Kingdom of the results of Sunda is not as grand as the Hindu-Buddhist temple. The statement was certainly in tune with Sindangbarang state archaeological and architectural buildings that Karamat Sand is an open structure and has no space. Descriptions in this chapter show buildings have Karamat Sand various similarities with punden terraces. Resemblance can be seen from In terms of architecture, as well as the founding concept of the building. Therefore the assessment towards building sand Karamat focused his research in terms of features building. The main comparison used is by comparing with the architecture of punden staircase has been investigated, while the written sources was used as the data supporting the assessment. Expected in the next chapter can lead to an explanation based on the results of data analysis in chapter This, so the presence of buildings can be put forward Sand Karamat scientifically. Identification of the building ..., Anugrah P.F. Alim, FIB UI, 2008 =============================================================== CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION: =============================================================== Karamat berundak punden SAND IN TRADITION AND CULTURE SOCIETY SINDANGBARANG Identification of the building ..., Anugrah P.F. Alim, FIB UI, 2008 5.1. Sand terraces punden Karamat as archaeological features. In effort to get the identification of buildings in Kampung Pasir Karamat Sindangbarang. Has done and his review on the descriptions of the principal previous discussion, the results of which will be described in the cover as a conclusion. Discussion about building sand Karamat aims to obtain clues whether the building terraces is building megalithic tradition that has a specific pattern in its establishment. A discussion of the building to generate five conclusions. The first conclusion is that the building Sand Karamat is one of the buildings of the megalithic tradition punden form terraces. Megalithic tradition is meant here not derived from prehistoric and historical period. Conclusion This was disclosed on the basis of the profile features of the building itself. Kampung Sindangbararang rich source rocks, it can witnessed in the new building shows punden a strong link with the use of large stones as the base material main building. This argument is also supported by the building which shows considerable similarity with terraces punden megalithic tradition of culture results. Resemblance can be seen from In terms of architecture, keletakan, the concept of the building, nor of the object found in the building. Discussion of Sand terraces punden Karamat also strengthen the possibility of building a building was erected as sacred, or is a building for religious interests. Statement This was disclosed because the building has a trait of the building ancient scriptures, that is the source of water just below the terrace I punden them. It also supports the relationship between the presence of punden staircase with a water source nearby. The presence of water also in line with the concept of sacred buildings which are often found have a water source nearby, and the water used for religious activities (seen in the building in prehistoric and historical sites). Argumentation as a building supported also by the sacred objects that have similarities adannya with the interests of religious artifacts, ie objects whose profile similar to the dolmen and menhirs, and stone seats near the building them. The existence of a tomb in the building was also used as the data supporting the argument punden Sand Karamat shrine. The third conclusion is that people Sindangbarang previous the staircase-building steps seem to invoke the spirit of ancestors or animism. These conclusions were obtained with Sindangbarang witnessed some communities it is still perform a ceremony to thank to the ancestor or spirit ancestors. It allows the public earlier Sindangbarang conduct manifestation of ancestor worship in a way building a staircase-steps, one of which was the establishment Sand building Karamat. Judging from the treatment community about the building such, it can be said punden Sand Karamat is a building that sacred by the local communities until today. Pengeramatan is probably caused by background establishment punden Sand Karamat, who believed society was founded by the ancestors of Sindangbarang. It pengeramatan was also supported by its being sources of water just below the terrace I punden Sand Karamat considered as one of the sources of strength ancestor. Both of these Sand punden Karamat made quite special in the community Sindangbarang. Final conclusion in this study raises a statements about the Village Sindangbarang, it seems used as a shelter constantly from the past until now. The statement was obtained on discovery some archaeological from two different times in one site. Findings that could reinforce the statement is the existence of objects stone footprints similar to the findings of the history of type, and stone dakon identical with the prehistoric period, two findings are in one site, the site Ciangsana, Sukaresmi Village. Sites that Ciangsana own territory is quite close to the site Sindangbarang. If the existence of the site was connected with the building of Sand Karamat buildings that have characteristics of the prehistoric period, does not seem too wrong for the region assume Sindangbarang is the site occupancy of two different times. Research on Sand Karamat did not issue a building an answer to the period, or at the time when the building established. This is due to research is a research early stage. Getting information about the origin, or epidemic rate requires further research, namely excavation and dating. Actually, in order to get an explanation of the period findings can be through written sources related. Many sources writing that tells about the state of West Java region of ancient, chronology of the ancient kingdom of Sunda Sunda to the ancient religious concept. But written sources mentioning details about Sand punden Karamat has not been found, nor a concrete written sources tell Sindangbarang in any archaeological site has not been found. Then of the research was very careful not to issue a statement on what era buildings Sand Karamat was established. Research It focuses on the concept artefaktual. As earlier, that this study is an early stage, then the results research is the explanation of a business identification building. 5. 2. Sand punden relationship with the community Sindangbarang Karamat. To get a more in-depth explanation of archaeological Sindangbarang, including Karamat Sand punden research is required Further, the feasibility study to research a more depth (excavation activities). Excavation activities conducted to get scientific answers about the existence of archeological them. Based on the destructive nature of excavation activities, because it is very important before the activity takes place, preferably people briefed in advance about the importance of activities excavation. That explanation is also to prevent misunderstandings over destruction carried out by these activities, and to the community can cooperatively with local activities that take place. In the explanation it is said that the excavation activity can reveal about the origins of their ancestors, and how its importance as a source of new knowledge. Activity excavations to be so important to punden Sand Karamat in archaeological Sindangbarang, considering the local communities still interpret different ancestral heritage as a legacy kepurbakalaanya relating to the annual ceremony which they always do, namely Serentaun Gurubumi (Munandar, 2008:18). Post-excavation activities, he hoped archeological Sindangbarang can be input in the list of Cultural Heritage Objects (BCB), so archaeological Sindangbarang can be preserved, more sustained, and not broken up missing. It is unfortunate if Sindangbarang special archaeological, and information contained in it just disappeared. Preservation of archaeological Sindangbarang should be immediately implemented, considering that most areas will be Sindangbarang Kampung housing that could threaten the existence of archeological. Archaeological is very important, because the existence of archeological Sindangbarang concerning the identity of the people of West Java in particular. With its registered kepurbakalaannya sites in BCB, then archeological will be more attention from the public local, and society, so as to attract traffic Sindangbarang village area travel. The existence of tourist visits make Sindangbarang Village community can introduce false a form of ceremonial privileges to the community Serentaun wide. Ceremonial Serentaun be guaranteed attract foreign tourists and local, with the arrival of tourists, community prosperity Local Sindangbarang expected to increase. Identification of the building ..., Anugrah P.F. Alim, FIB UI, 2008