Section 1. Computer aided human
Beware : Never treat human as machines,think of machines as human (my personal note)
1.01. As we may think July 1945 Vannevar Bush
1.02. Facets of the Technical Information Problem September/October 1958 Charles P. Bourne & Douglas C. Engelbart
1.03. Display-Selection Techniques for Text Manipulation March 1967 William K. English, Douglas C. Engelbart, and Melvyn L. Berman
1.04. AUGMENTING HUMAN INTELLECT: A Conceptual Framework October 1962 D. C. Engelbart
1.05. A research center for augmenting human intellect December 1968 Douglas C. Engelbart, and William K. English
1.06. Toward High-Performance Knowledge Workers December 1968 Douglas C. Engelbart, and William K. English
1.07. Dreaming of the Future 1995 Douglas Engelbart
1.08. Draft OHS-Project Plan ( Open Hyperdocument System ) Doug Engelbart, 23-Oct-2000
1.09. The WWW Project Proposal (1989) Tim Berners-Lee, CERN March 1989, May 1990
1.10. Screen shot of Tim Berners-Lee's browser editor as developed in 1991-92 Tim Berners-Lee
1.11. HTML Internet Draft in 1993 Dave Raggett
1.12. HTML Internet Draft in 1994 Dave Raggett
1.13. History of the World Wide Web Marc Abrams, ed., World Wide Web - Beyond the Basics, Prentice Hall, 1998
1.14. Xanalogical Structure, Needed Now More than Ever: ... ( from Xanadu ) Theodor Holm Nelson, Project Xanadu and Keio University
1.15. Transcopyright for the web ( from Xanadu ) Project Xanadu
1.16. Transcopyright: Pre-Permission for Virtual Republishing Ted Nelson
1.17. TRANSPUBLISHING: A SIMPLE CONCEPT an alternative approach to copyright Ted Nelson
1.18. ALL THE FREEDOM THAT'S LEGAL ( from Xanadu ) Ted Nelson
1.19. WAY OUT OF THE BOX Ted Nelson
1.20. The Great Northeastern Power Failure 1966 Billy Klüver art museum
1.21. About the problems of presentation of files and texts with computers
Section 2. SGML
2.01. What is SGML Erik Naggum
2.02. What is XML and Why Should Humanists Care? C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
2.03. SGML and XML Concepts Society of American Archivists
2.04. XML and Modern Software Architectures Jonathan Robie
2.05. XML Is Evil , Embedded Markup Considered Harmful Ted Nelson
T2.01. DocBook: The Definitive Guide Norman Walsh and Leonard Muellner
T2.02. A Practical Introduction to SGML Michel Goossens and Janne Saarela, CERN
T2.03. XML Tutorial: XML, DOM, SAX, DTD Steve Litt
Section 3. LaTeX
3.01. Just What Is TeX? TUG
3.02. TeX FAQ Internet FAQ Archives
T3.01. Getting to grips with Latex Andrew Roberts
T3.02. A beginner's introduction to typesetting with LaTeX Peter Flynn
T3.03. The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e Tobias Oetiker,Hubert Partl,Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schlegl
T3.04. Making Presentations with LaTeX and Prosper Rajarshi Guha
T3.05. The TeX Catalogue Online Graham Williams
Section 4. Multimedia
4.01. Multimedia: From Wagner to Virtual Reality art museum
4.06. A Standard Default Color Space for the Internet - sRGB W3C
G4.01. Introduction to MPEG Internet FAQ Archives
G4.02. MPEG2 FAQ Berkeley MPEG Tools
G4.03. MPEG Standards Berkeley MPEG Tools
G4.04. About MPEG Berkeley MPEG Tools
G4.05. Scanning Basics 101 - All about digital images Wayne Fulton
G4.06. Printing Resolution Calculator - Scanning Calculator Wayne Fulton
G4.07. A Quick Guide to Digital Video Resolution and Aspect Ratio Conversions
G4.08. Square and Non-Square Pixels Chris Pirazzi
G4.09. Fields: Why Video is Crucially Different from Graphics Chris Pirazzi
G4.10. "Brightness" and "Contrast" controls Charles Poynton
Author's Home page : This page
Author's Software Home page : http://redstone.sourceforge.net/
Author's Software Project site : Sourceforge
What is Computer : The correct answer
What is Music : http://redstone.sourceforge.net/YING-HUE.html
Experimental : bl_eehhh_og 1
and bl_eehhh_og 2
Email : alred@singnet.com.sg
Email : alred2@lycos.com